
Oh, for sure. This idiot has made his pathetic issues my mom’s problem. There’s no excusing that. It’s just been happening for so long. It’s hard to stay that angry for what amounts to decades.

My mother — also not famous, but fairly attractive because apparently that’s all it takes — has had a man low-key stalk her since college. She is in her 60s now.

A guy I know invited me to a party recently. He immediately followed it up with: “Will you bring Asya? Jarvis won’t come if there aren’t enough black people there.” Jarvis is his best friend and apparently put his foot down about always being the only black person, so my friend was inviting everyone he knew who had a

CO native and currently Denver resident here. yeah...we’re lousy with good intentioned white folks—and yet, we build (and maintain) communities where you never have to see a non-white face if you don’t want to.

Michael Che has a shit personality.

This is great advice. My depression definitely comes in waves and I try my best to capitalize when the lethargy subsides a bit.

Oh random sex crying. It’s a mystery. That’s probably why I was like “keep going, dude bc i don’t want to have to try to explain this to you”.

I totally understand that fear and distrust of men. I have had men violate my clearly defined boundaries and/or stayed silent when I felt uncomfortable.

I’m sorry you’re having a difficult time. The stigma that comes with obesity is real and the effects can devastate a person’s self-worth.

Thank you. It’s time we start being specific about what sensible gun control policy will look like.

I disagree. I think there are ways to do films about real crimes. With these types of movies, the issue seems to be victim-focused vs. perpetrator focused storytelling. Like maybe don’t iconicize Charles Manson, for example.

She was flat, but fuck if I wasn’t rooting for her.

The nutritional content is great [besides the protein it also contains DHA, essential omega-3 fatty acids] but I think the Ripple milk tastes terrible.

I don’t think cows milk is healthy either. However protein is important, especially for growing and developing children. Although almond milk may be helpful for adults who are trying to watch calories.

Coconut milk in the carton is designed as a milk replacer. It is lower in calories and often fortified to mimic the nutrient content [calcium, for example] of dairy milk.

It’s surprising how many people think almond milk is a 1 to 1 comparison with dairy milk in terms of protein.

Yeah, that Dr. Kelli Brogan can lick my depressed, medicated inflamed clit.

Actually, no. Sponsorships can be offered or requested. For or against it, this is pretty common in “social influencer” world. There are no hard and fast rules about this kind of thing.

I am also on “I should see Shape Of Water but I don’t want to for some reason, even though it’s the kind thing I should like” boat.

France is nice. They don’y deserve France.