
“I’m just doing my job.” Now, where have we heard that before?

you're the asshole

lol, i think you watch too much porn, either that or you run in a very weird social circle.  maybe both.  i kept expecting there to be a punchline at the end, but it never came.

sleep with the door closed”

I don’t think anyone familiar with Ronson or his work could make the claims the original poster does. Ronson spends most of his Twitter time fending off people asking him to weigh in on topical online shamings. He also pleads with people not to diagnose mental health conditions from a distance which is another thing

These are tricky waters to wade into, but I have found Ronson’s other reporting to be sensitive. With regards to his writing on public shaming, his conclusion is about our complicity as spectators in the shame game. To say he is deciding who is worthy of compassion is to misunderstand his piece.

This is by far the most common and short sighted argument that I see. Wringing hands worried about what the “other side” will think or do.

Revolutions aren’t generally polite.

Well shit, that did not end well! Nope nope nope. Though thankfully you were unharmed!!

My childhood dog was the sweetest damn creature in the world. We always used to joke that she would happily greet any house intruders with licks.

Ohh come on man this is so obviously fiction 

The summer after my sophomore year of college, my parents asked me to house sit for them while they went out of town for a long weekend. At the time, they lived in a fairly remote area so it was a bit of a trek, but it was a big beautiful house on the lake and my parents’ pets were sweethearts. First night I actually

Magic isn’t real. Your friend was scared of a child’s imagination and air in some pipes. 

Rugged individualism is hot garbage invented by rich, straight, white men to provide an origin myth for their power and success so that they don’t have to be faced with the truth that they arrived where they are by standing on the necks of people of color and women.

I’m pretty sure a) cow milk is not a replacement for breast milk/formula, either and b) they already have notices like that on the packaging.

A lot of my guy friends told me I was crazy on election night because through my sobs I was saying “they’re going to take away our healthcare, they’re going to take away Roe, they’re going to take away gay marriage.” This shit is real, this shit has consequences.

lol - “Did not watch, but he definitely did it”

People who think their feelings are more important that providing healthcare to a person should not work in healthcare in any capacity.

This is hitting me hard this morning and I’m still trying to come to grips. I’m currently doing the work to try to get a handle on my depression and it’s so fucking hard. And it’s expensive and time consuming and draining! But I’m hoping there is light on the other side. But when I hear about Anthony and Kate Spade,