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I think this would be an appropriate usage of the term “deep state” to refer to the shadow government that keeps the endless wars going to profit the super rich, regardless of who the president is.

We were in Syria to make Israel safe for Apartheid again.

“I’ve always had a hard time reconciling this idea with the fact that his father was the former head of the CIA and the president a decade prior.”

I dunno, I still think George W. was a patsy. He’s just kind of a dumb man, and he was put in a position to be taken advantage of by much smarter, genuinely evil people. I don’t really know how culpable that makes him to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the various associated war crimes, but I can at least kind of

Shut up, tomato.

Personally, I love Tomato’s work. Much of it is top quality.

lol “normal”. Yeah totally normal when the government got unlimited warrantless wiretapping rights, and the ability to indefinitely detain citizens with no charges being filed, thus removing their right to an attorney. When we started 2 illegal wars which allowed the already shady private security firms to get bigger

The Tomato paranoia is hilarious.

You being in a coma during Bush’s terms doesn’t make that period “normal”. He’s a war criminal, with the blood and torture of 100's of thousands of innocents on his hands. Invading a country for fabricated reasons and literally destroying it and the lives of its citizens, sacrificing thousands of our own citizens

The only correct take here.

“Things were normal under Bush”

Things like the Patriot Act and invading Iraq are fucking normal for you? Fuck you, you’re a stupid piece of shit.

G-Dub is a war criminal. Fuck anyone who gives him a pass.

Not a problem, I got to learn something about the Grateful Dead in the process of googling wharf rats and...(yawns).....zzzzzzzzz...

People saying that Facebook if free is like chickens saying Frank Perdue feeds them free grain. They don’t quite have a handle on the profit engine that drives the company.

Nothing is free in tech. Either you pay with your personal information or your wallet, and Facebook has shown time and time again it cant be trusted to protect your personal data, or that they really even try to

Obviously, OP is a troll, but there’s a substantive legal point here, which is that decades of business-friendly court rulings have resulted in the dominant mode of antitrust analysis being “consumer welfare.” Facebook is a two-sided market, but one side of that market is free, which makes the argument that Facebook’s

Facebook is free in the sense that you’re not charged to use it, but that misses the point entirely, and what makes it so devious. It’s free because you’re not Facebook’s customer, you’re its product. In fact, charging you for Facebook would actually make it far less profitable by reducing its membership numbers and

Shut up, tomato.

This is incredible kinja.