You know what? You were a quality troll. Be best.
You know what? You were a quality troll. Be best.
I need a site that’s kinja, but actually works. The theory behind kinja is good, the fact that never works and every change only breaks it differently kills it.
that’s a pretty low bar to consider bragging.
Shut up, Tomato.
Haha, that does remind me of how her staff and surrogates trotted out that tired fucking line over and over. No policy ideas, no initiatives to tackle concerns of the voters, just “She’s the most qualified candidate ever to run for President.” So fucking arrogant. Like how DARE you question her campaign. Christ, I’m…
The only thing that would have lost Hillary more votes in 2016 would have been actually visiting the Midwest. Snooty and condescending doesn’t tend to go over well there.
Imagine being a “woke” “progressive” who hates Hilary Clinton because they swallowed 25 years of Republican propaganda about her being “corrupt” and blames her for her husband’s actions.
FUCK YOU!!!! For real you empty headed piece of garbage, FUCK YOU. Your preferred candidate just had a fucking heart attack and blind morons like you think he’s just fine. For real maybe if you and you fellow “woke” progressives had gotten off your asses in 2010, 12 and 14 we wouldn’t be in this mess. Why don’y you…
Everybody loves Tomato, and I do too.
That is IF Bernie’s allowed to win the primary.
Cool guy Obama, bombed 7 countries in his last year in office. So cool though.
Maybe she was fired for being a Native American? She liked to tell people that too back in the day. Splinter’s own Nick Martin rightly called out her “deception” before and today’s skepticism can be directly tied to her past fabrications.
Shut up, tomato.