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No idea. Burners were the perfect medium and you could escape into some pretty insane ideas with Splinter’s deranged readership. There are a few other sites with infinitely larger audiences but they don’t cater to long-form the way Kinja does. And they don’t have accounts as disposable as burners. Maybe Medium? But I

Doesn’t seem to support the theory that Trump can be beaten.

You are the only user I will block from my new platform.

POEPLE! I know that Splinter got shut down.

Pls explain.

I’m working on a replacement vertical that I believe all of you will enjoy immensely. It will be like a Trump rally in written form, but less centrist.

Remaining? Interesting.

I love Deadspin. I read it every day. I follow Deadspin on Twitter and am involved in several Deadspin-related Facebook groups. I’ve been here since it started. I love it.

It’s very worrying that the president is using the office to go after his political rivals. So much for rule of law. This country is a banana.

Having a gf is a really big deal to some people, Bruce. 

I had a girlfriend

...Alexa is a common at-home device that millions of people use so that they can turn on music, order a pizza, or perform an internet search with their voice instead of walking over to their computer or pulling their smartphone out of their pocket.

Warren Warriors are scared of my girl Hills. Example #infinity.

Bad news for Trump. Hillary is the most qualified candidate of all time.

This looks photoshopped. I can tell by the pixels, and because I’ve see quite a few shops in my day.

Bernie would have beaten Trump in 2016 had the DNC not rigged the primary. Everyone knows that. He’ll easily beat Trump in 2020.

That’s not my sticking point with Warren, I wish it were. That’s an easy one to forget about or otherwise ignore. She lied about getting fired for being pregs, so what? And maybe it wasn’t even a lie. Maybe she really believed she was going to get fired so she resigned. That’s the same thing as getting fired.

That’s why we need to open the borders. 30% can easily be diluted with new entrants. Then we can have our democracy back.

It seem that, possibly more than anyone else, the American Public is unhappy with Trump’s irresponsibly abrupt end to our military involvement in Syria. We need to be militarily engaged in Syria for, at least, five more years.

I’ve always had a hard time reconciling this idea with the fact that his father was the former head of the CIA and the president a decade prior. Seems like Dubya should have been pretty well-informed. What was even more confusing was Obama’s continuation of Bushian overseas policy. Maybe those same evil people still