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Why eat meat when you can just eat bugs? Don’t you know how healthy bugs are for you? Just eat the bugs man. Eat them. They’re good.

The most interesting part of this who’s playing the role of the bad guy. You’d think it’s China but it’s not. It’s not Hong Kong either. No, the bad guy is none other than the greedy NBA itself.

Hey, this is really uncalled for! It’s been a very busy day for sports. Just because you really care about something doesn’t mean it’s automatically super important. And Drew is literally the best writer on the internet at this time. Just because he doesn’t like your team doesn’t mean you get to single him out! Stop

This has the potential to change network television forever. Imagine a mini-series that closely approximates what’s happening in real life and makes obvious the lessons we should be taking from these events. Think Full House, but instead of a San Fran Fam it will be Twitter Trending Topics. This might just be what

Trump is pulling out of Syria. I... I can’t believe it. This isn’t just irresponsible. This isn’t just negligent. This isn’t just reckless. This is high treason, an activity with which Mr. Trump is very familiar.

Maybe you’re right. Maybe I wasn’t paying attention. And maybe that’s because things were normal under Bush and when things are normal you don’t have to pay attention. I want a return to normalcy and I think the rest of America does too.

Ellen may not be a political genius, but she’s an excellent judge of character. She’s a humanist, and she should be seen through that prism. She is separate from all of this muck. Let’s be fair here.

Wharf Rat is a much better song than subgroup of Deadheads.

Sorry, I’m posting from Canada and their extremely old, low-quality cell towers are messing with the autocorrect feature on my smartphone. 

Apologies. It looks like there was a typo in my post. I meant to type “Gettysburg Wharf Rat.”

1) This was almost certainly done on purpose and ordered by Trump. Rodents don’t just fall from ceilings. For starters, rodents hate heights. Also, have you ever seen a squirrel fall from a tree? I have, but only once and only after the rock I threw connected with it.

I love Elizabeth Warren. In fact, I am in love with Elizabeth Warren. But going after Facebook doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. Folks, you gotta remember. Facebook is free. You don’t have to pay anything to use it. It’s offered to you free of charge. For this reason I believe that Elizabeth Warren, who I will

How can you say Chicago isn’t the birthplace of jazz when so many jazz musicians were born there? And what does this have to do with Skyscrapers? The food court you’re talking about is a different one. This one looks just like an old-fashioned, old food court. Something you would see in a mall that has retained its

*as a Astros fan

Thank you for your service.

Skyscrapers is right past McDonald’s. They share a wall.

Man, I really love Bernie Sanders. I remember back in the day going to a few of his rallies and just thinking “wow, this is a totally brand-new vision for the world that is so necessary and timely.” He got me mad excited, and so I donated what little I could to his campaign. Guess you could say I’m one of his grass

Flying United through O’Hare is a great experience. Unfortunately they don’t offer shuttles to K. Next time you should fly American. Then you can go to Skyscrapers.

How often do you go to Skyscrapers?