Show And Tell

Full netting should be required for all baseball fields and the fans should be given the option to wear helmets with facemasks during the games. The helmet should be stadium-provided and attached to the seats. The netting should be an extension of the netting that already exists, covering the entire field. If we save

O’Hare International Airport is hands down the best airport on earth. If you have never flown American or United into or out of O’Hare International Airport you should consider doing so immediately. It’s wonderful.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine became an independent state, formalised with a referendum in December 1991.

It’s hard not to be skeptical after the Mueller letdown, but I think we’ve finally found Trump’s kryptonite. We’ve got him this time. We really got him.

Now playing

I’m no lawyer, but I did read the transcript and he’s definitely guilty of something. But that’s not the worst of his problems. No, his biggest problem is that he just sunk Biden’s campaign.

I didn’t sleep last night so please excuse any rambling. I haven’t been this excited since the Mueller Report. We are really going to impeach Trump. It’s actually happening. The day we’ve been waiting for is here. This is like Christmas and Thanksgiving and our birthdays rolled into one. Our hope has paid off. Are

To be fair, Bill Clinton did worse than this and he’s still a free man. Kinda makes you wonder why...

It shows that she’s tough. Leaders need to be tough.

How can you say that? Social media is a huge distraction, probably the biggest distraction of our lifetime. They even had to make texting and driving illegal.

Reason # 14,450 why players shouldn’t be allowed to use social media. Huge distraction and honestly, nobody needs to see this.

Very concerning how much the market bounced as soon as Trump said he’d release the transcript.

I watched this live and I was moved to tears. My keyboard is still wet but I don’t care. I’ll type through it even though the keys are kind of sticky now. I guess my keyboard was a little dirty. Not sure how that happened, I always wash my hands before typing on it. Maybe I’ll get myself an Apple Magic Keyboard for

This is the best she’s looked since Mean Girls. Welcome back, Linds.

Ceding the center to Trump is a recipe for loss. I was a tech [data side] vendor for Hillary’s campaign. I know what I’m talking about.

She’s a Triple C candidate that appeals to both Republican and Democrat centrists, all of whomst are up for grabs at the moment.

Mayor Pete might just be the guy to beat and you can tell that he kinda thinks that too. Biden’s out on account of his involvement with his cocaine son’s corruption. Warren stole half of Bernie’s base already and you can tell he’s getting ticked, so he’s going to go nuclear on her soon and that will sink her hopes.

Right now he’s not a sympathetic figure. That all changes if everyone gangs up on him for impeachment. All of a sudden he’s the little guy getting bullied.

Don’t fall for the trap. This is exactly what he wants. If you impeach Trump, he wins.

That doesn’t exonerate him though.

Income taxes will not substantially reduce great fortunes, which are stashed in existing valuable assets