Show And Tell

Shut up, tomato.

On 21 January 1990, over 300,000 Ukrainians organized a human chain for Ukrainian independence between Kiev and Lviv. Ukraine officially declared itself an independent state on 24 August 1991, when the communist Supreme Soviet (parliament) of Ukraine proclaimed that Ukraine would no longer follow the laws of USSR and

I think Bernie needs to drop out and endorse Warren. Just like Joe Biden he’s much too old

Yep, Amy Klobuchar.

Yes, those things sorta happen when a person is falsely accused of things like collusion and making threatening phone calls.  No proof, no crimes, not deal.

This is Daniel Day-Lewis level method acting, and I love every God damn minute of it.

The Republican President is apparently now saying he’s going to release the transcript of the call. I bet a dollar it’s badly marked up with Sharpie, with entire passages crossed out but still legible.

Tomato Face Hall of Fame.


This is the best comment I’ve ever read.

I’m assuming this was sarcasm instead of idiocy.

OK, granddad, step away from the keyboard. Next thing you’ll by saying is that the players today are too uppity and don’t know their place. As Barry noted, the players are finally realizing they have tremendous bargaining power, and if Coughlin can’t wrap his head around this changing dynamic, perhaps he’s the one

You sir are either a master of sarcasm or Tom Coughlin’s father. Either way, congratulations!

Your account is an amazing performance piece. 

The players won the Super Bowls, nice douchetake tho

yes, the athletes should get used to the “way things used to be” because it will stay that way eternally. Obviously this is the correct take because any player that bucks this ends up jobless and penniless and never get the contract/trade they desire.

I think we all just need to agree to vote for whichever one wins the primary. If half of us stay home, the cheetoh in chief will win again.

Liz is Hillary 3.0.  Where Hillary 2.0 and 1.0 failed, the 3.0 update is sure to address all the issues with the previous versions.

Bernie has pushed the conversation left and forced those who take the money of rich donors over the concerns and hopes of the people defend their actions. That is the gold standard. We need sweeping progressive reform and we needed it decades ago. The “slow rollout” of change hinted at by the centrists is long past