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This comment is ridiculous. Pretty much all animals eat other animals. I love the impossible burger because it tastes yummy and is a healthier alternative but it’s not steak or fish or lamb or pork or poultry so I’m not going vegan just yet. Maybe some day in the future, never know.

“Basic Science”. That’s why we have incisors to tear meat. That’s why we have several different enzymes from our saliva down through to the pancreas and small intestine designed to break down proteins, some specializing in meat proteins.

We should also go after meat-eating predators. They’re so cruel for KILLING!!

vegans make it difficult to consider ever being a vegan.

We would never even think about herding up a bunch of humans and processing them the way we process chickens or pigs, would we?

That argument falls apart when you consider that plants are also alive. 

We would never even think about herding up a bunch of humans and processing them the way we process chickens or pigs, would we?

“The human body is ill-equipped to process meat.”

We follow a process to put food we like in our faces. The Big Bang doesn’t distinguish between celery or chicken. That’s all you, and you have clearly practiced you’re self-answering agenda in the mirror now for a good long while, haven’t you? Of course you have.  

The human body is ill-equipped to process meat”


You do know that it’s proven that the human brain is what it is today because we started cooking and eating meat?

Also that argument that you wouldn’t do that to a human would you? Well you wouldn’t fuck your cat either right? Not every being is


> We all possess the magical gift of life and in that respect we’re all equal

It’s scary how much this asshole resembles himmler.

We would never even think about herding up a bunch of humans and processing them the way we process chickens or pigs, would we?

I actually was homeless in San Francisco in the summer of 1967(aka “The Summer of Love”). It was a beautiful experience, though a few years later I decided Maoism was a quicker vehicle for change than Peace and Love.

He’s claimed her pretty well. The larger photo shows his other hand on her belly. Is she one of his students?  You should definitely reconsider what you think you know of Trudeau if you have a positive opinion. Guy is a swarmy scumbag.

He should resign immediately.

The poop patrol is hiring. They pay around $77k with an additional $112k in benefits for total compensation of $184k! Just to clean up poop!

And every room is decorated in a different color, you have a giant ebony clock, and you’re planning a masquerade.

Didn’t it turn out that Warren was actually related to someone in the US army that was commended for killing indians in the 1830's or something like that?