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Is this just a game you play?

Anybody want to share their NYT login info so I can read the story? Will trade star for login info.

Fun fact: My hero Greta Thunberg has Aspberger’s syndrome (true story), which in this case she uses as a superpower, cause Greta has zero fux to give.

I humbly suggest my method of replacing all news with a Instagram feed of nothing but bikini models.

Don’t watch cable news until they behave with more integrity.

I dunno. Money just lets really people express their true selves on a far more expensive menu.

There so many scumbags like this who, because of their money and connections, are basically on cops’ “do not call” list.

Democratic donor... injecting men with methamphetamine, including one as recently as September 11, at his West Hollywood apartment. The victim reportedly overdosed and survived.