
That would be one hellacious deep-fryer!

I love that book. I foolishly loaned it to a friend of mine several years ago. I thought I'd pick up another copy, or the ebook of it, but the hardcover's selling for we'll over $100, and there is no ebook version. Drat.

Uhmmmm.... No.

And yet, the scientific implausibility of that movie isn't going to change my opinion of it one bit. I enjoyed the heck out of it, because I went to see a freakin' SUPERHERO movie! Hello, willing suspension of disbelief on line one! Some people's children.

Yup. They used them to prevent snow blindness. Pretty wild when you look at the things that are commonly thought to be recent inventions or styles.

Arguably, the first man-made object to reach escape velocity was a metal plate over an underground nuclear series Operation Plumb Bob, in the Pascal-B test. It was caught in a couple of frames of film and they calculated that it was going fast enough to break free of the planet's gravitational pull, if it didn't melt

Check this out: Francis Jefferson Coates, Medal of Honor recipient from the Battle of Gettysburg... Poor guy got shot through the temple, taking out both eyes. When I first saw his picture, it struck me as something John Lennon would have worn.

Have to be something like that. I shudder to think how Col. Mustard would have accomplished it using the candlestick. Some things are just better off not being explained.

Sunglasses aren't anachronistic during the Civil War era. There are photos of people wearing them during & after.

For what it's worth, in the late 70's & early 80's on ARPANET & Bitnet & USENET, there was the same kind of crap. Flamewars galore, factions, diatribes... You name it, there was a newsgroup or chat channel that catered to whatever myopic viewpoint you might cater to.

Damn. Loved UFO and Space: 1999 growing up as a kid. The Eagle is one of my all-time favorite spaceship designs. Wish they would do a remake of UFO.

Must be your heart's just not in it. Maybe you're concentrating on world domination plans, instead?

Maybe because you have at least a vestigial conscience and moral sense left? :)

She's still working on the design. The latest Popular Science has a great article about how material science will play a huge part in the next gen space suits. http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2012-10/deep-space-suit?single-page-view=true

If this qualifies as "action drivel," cool. We should be so lucky as to have more movies of the same caliber and production values. Now, shouldn't you get back to watching whatever it is you consider to be more worthy of your valuable time?

Luckily, the other five have kept their opinions to themselves. :)

Nicely put. :)

Don't watch it.

Yeah, me too. Would be awesome!

Nope, you're right. I'm sure Doctor Tyson will have an autographed copy of that issue framed and on his wall in a place of honor. Very cool! :)