Really hope Spielberg does more TinTin movies, especially the stories having to do with him going to the Moon.
Really hope Spielberg does more TinTin movies, especially the stories having to do with him going to the Moon.
No, not predictable. This is criminally lax, not including Buckaroo Banzaii. C'mon, iO9!!!
You have (or will have) very fortunate kids! :)
I was going to post this if no one else had already. First true manned spacecraft ever flown, never designed for atmospheric operation. Ageless, timeless, classic.
:) I have the same "issues" with the DC Comics & Marvel apps, in addition to Dark Horse & Boom!
Ahhh, but it's a money-sucking black hole of goodness & enjoyment! :)
The Babylon 5 cliffhanger just about killed me! Loved that series.
Les Nessman. A name which will live in Turkey Infamy.
I remember these! I had a couple, plus some Major Matt Mason toys. Those were awesome
You made that comment in the nick of time!
Good. I'm not the only one who had a BattleTech flashback!
Those poor creatures. Really hope this is a success. :(
"We Will, We Will Rock(et) You!"
Perkin-Elmer dumb terminal with acoustic 300 baud modem connecting to an IBM 360! DECWriter teletype terminals - very handy for keeping a record of not only your programming efforts, but your all-important chat sessions. Keypunch machines ... And sweating bullets walking the stack of cards to the operator's window,…
Definitely no chance of a repeat performance on THAT stage!
Just one of those things that's just crying out for poking fun at. :)
Sure. Bacteria, bugs and deep-ocean species would likely survive. But, you'll have to excuse me for taking a humanocentric viewpoint and not find much comfort in that thought.
Amen. I grew up seriously thinking that we were going to get into a shooting war with the Soviets, either by design or by accident. Seeing one of these things and knowing what it can do... Not something that pleasant dreams are made of.
Singin' nukes? Something like the sentient missile in Darkstar? I bet they either belt out "Final Countdown" or "Another One Bites The Dust!" :)
I know! Kids these days. Get off my lawn!!! (shakes bony fist in the air.)