
By the time this is practical for such a noble and worthy goal, it'll be able to be incorporated into nanocircuitry that's part of your own internal neural network. You'll merely have to picture the remote hurtling towards your outstretched hand at Ludicrous Speed(tm) and through the wonders of technology, there ya

I'd just like to say, "What a classy person Kellporter is." Not.

Did you actually read the article? Due to the algorithm/math that the researchers came up with, dropped packet requests will be reduced, since the device will be interpolating what was missed, instead of sending another request to the server to resubmit the lost information. The effect will be less traffic over the

Honest question here - are there Kindle (whatever flavor) knockoffs or Nexus clones?

Exactly. Nice summation.

Even though I've got an iPad and I'm not planning on buying a Surface RT, no one should rush to judgement about the keyboard. I'm willing to bet that just about anyone would be able to adjust to it within a VERY short time and be able to be productive with it.

I know I'm beating a dead horse, but, man ... the extra yellow/gold/mustard in the new suit isn't floating my boat. If they insist on keeping the overall contrasts between the two sections, make it be silver instead of mustard. Just looks like that cheap "gold" spray paint that we used to use in grade school around

Ryan. Not just Eddie Munster "All Growed Up (tm)!"

Different strokes, etc. I loved Iron Man 2.

Yeah. Just a charming and fun-loving group. One wonders if they were in some kind of hideous one-upmanship competition...

Uhmmm ... where's the outrage? Where are the foaming-at-the-mouth postings demanding people boycott Nintendo?

Wow, someone woke up and put on their "Mister Crankypants" this morning!

Everyone gather around and start chanting "Ohm!" We need to amp this up to 11! More positive, please!

ZOMG! Apple hasn't reinvented ANYTHING since 2010!!! They've lost ALL creativity!!!

I think the lawyers from Def Leppard are polishing their fangs. :)

Nice. +1

Nice article. I vividly remember my parents, aunts & uncles telling me about their frantic plans to try and evacuate to "safer" locations. In hindsight, there were no such places.

Well, far be it from me to do anything in excess. 1.2 jillion it is. :)

"Useless V2 rockets" ? The only reason they were "useless" was because of the internal fighting amongst the various competing bureaus and personalities in the German hierarchy. Thankfully, they were too busy squabbling, fighting over priorities & resources and switching directions. If they had concentrated on V2's or

Fun-Lovin' "Joltin' Joe" Stalin was a very effective and efficient dictator-mass murderer, even before he threw people into the meat grinder that was the Western Front of WWII. Stalin loved his midnight arrests, torture and executions. He was also very adept at taking anyone he didn't like or who he thought was