
There needs to be an "Awesomeness!!!" button for posts like this :)

"Get off my lawn!!!"

I have to admit I truly enjoyed the "X-Men: First Class" treatment. I thought that, given the liberties they took with the timeline, it was very well done.

Wouldn't it be graybows?

Ok, cool. I never checked the credits in detail enough to confirm what I thought my eyes were seeing - thanks for confirming :)

I currently have a 1st generation iPad. I'm teaching myself iOS app programming. With iOS 6 not being compatible with the original, I'm faced with either depending entirely on the software simulator for testing purposes, or I can buy either an iPad 2 or Mini/Air, whichever is the least expensive. I'd love to be able

You know, you raise a very good point. The two are interchangeable! :)

She's definitely not fat.

Unfortunately, we also have Honey BooBoo, so that balances out a lot.

Really not liking the Iron Mustard armor. Too much mustard, not enough ketchup. Everything in moderation, folks, including moderation!

That's ok. Let 'em piss & moan. Won't change the facts. :)

Snowtroppers are notorious for their lack of fashion sense and good taste. Now, a SnowTrooper, on the other hand, would OF COURSE be holding a snowshoe hare.

I feel your pain. :(

My bad - my Sarcasm-Detector 3000(tm) was in the shop that day :)

Wow. Hey, Joe McCarthy and The Tea Party called - they want their idiocy back.

Fox and Friends takes on a whole new meaning.

Wonderful. Thanks for posting this!

Before anyone freaks too much, read this article. http://thenextweb.com/apple/2012/09/26/the-iphone-5s-camera-suffering-purple-haze-flaw-not-fast/

The two may be closely related. Since both have bushy tails, perhaps the key to their super-science technology lies within? The warp-drive capabilities of the squirrel may allow short temporal "hops" when used by a creature with higher mass, such as the raccoon. In fact, the higher mass of the raccoon may dictate that

Wash thy mind out with soap. There is NO such thing as TOO much WIN, especially in this case. :)