
8.0 on the Richter Scale, indeed!

Yeah. His stuff tends to be recognized and appreciated too late to do the box office numbers much good.

Big Trouble In Little China. Another John Carpenter movie that did poorly when released, but did much, much better well after the fact.

Until & unless you ever provide proof that you not only have an I.Q. above room temperature, but also the wisdom to not be in such a rush to show everyone how ignorant and insulting you are, you might want to consider shutting your trap.

If I was going to drop $350/500 on this, it'd have to have the extended version of each movie.

Arguably, there was probably the same percentage when Kennedy gave his speech. I think that another, equally-gifted and impassioned speaker, could trigger the same interest and resolve.

Yup, I do :) Give me half a chance and I'll go on at length in the same vein!

That is one of the arguments that drives me the craziest, how we "waste" money on space. As you rightly point out, the money is spent HERE, in this country. The developments and spinoffs come to us and all of the related benefits.

Yes! A thousand times YES. You nailed it. We need goals, we need dreams, we need things so much bigger than us to shoot for and aspire to. The Space Race was just such a thing.

I defy anyone with a pulse and the least little shred of imagination to listen to this speech and NOT get shivers.

Yeah; might be more approachable to more people when couched in "proof" terms.

Yes, it most certainly is. I can't watch it without getting shivers.

"That's a welcome change from the Fire HD's predecessor, and might be the first time reading a book on a backlit screen doesn't feel totally idiotic."

Be strong, Doc! Be strong!!!

LOL :) You woulda won :)

I think a "virtual frontier" would be anything but. An actual physical place or region that people could go to, explore and settle would do more to excite interest and optimism than a virtual one.

(Frau Blucher) "Neiigghhhh!!!!!!"

90% pure hydrogen peroxide, as opposed to the 3% you would find in the local drugstore.

Mind-boggling that as a society, we're ok with reporting rapes, murders, mutilations; we're ok with showing photos or video of people getting killed, beaten, assaulted; we're fine with photos of dead people. Show any "naughty bits," and OMG! Ridiculous.

Too late!