
That would be interesting and probably be pretty popular with potential tenants. I know if I was in the market I'd be all over something like this.

One thing to remember with all of these space probes and their computing power/stats: this is for equipment that can survive vacuum, temperature extremes and memory/logic-scrambling radiation strikes. It's not like NASA can (or should) go to the local Best Buy or Frye's and snag a motherboard and RAM off of the shelf.

That's pretty wild. Looks very bright and airy, which is very appealing. If I had the beacoup bucks needed to buy/build something like this, it would be money well-spent.

Harry Dresden is composed of 100% pure Cooltanium.

*sigh* You're unfortunately probably right.

Depressing, but I think you're correct.

I'm still waiting for a reputable 3rd party to get their hands on one to try it out. Right now, as far as I'm concerned, they're composed of 100% pure "handwavium" until a reviewer can try out the keyboard and touch response.

It's not only deeply disturbing whenever I come across a person with such a myopic and ignorant viewpoint, it's terribly frightening. Someone who is completely unaware of the benefits of NASA and scientific research in general is a scary person, indeed. They are the type of person who will make uninformed, knee-jerk

Thank you for putting that in plain language.

If you ever come up with something that you want to sell, I wonder how you would feel if someone else came along and sold basically the same design for all intents and purposes? Would you call the other company "innovative" or would it piss you off?

Very sad news. Joe Kubert did amazing work throughout his career. He will be missed. I wonder how many artists have him to thank for influencing their interest and style over the years?

+1 for the lyrical reference. :)

Awesome photo! I'd love to go on a tour there. Sounds not only fascinating but very encouraging.

I'd like the house just for messing with Jehovah's Witnesses who don't take polite "Not interested" for answers.

Awww ... you're just sayin' that 'cause it's TRUE. :)

Beautiful photography or not, I really don't like seeing any creature in terror.

Technically awesome movie. Story was ... ehhh. But, considering the competition from that decade, it was great!

I may be mangling my recollection of it; and it may only apply to metals that are highly resistant to oxidation layers, such as gold. But what you say makes sense.

I seem to recall reading in the past few years about a new method of treating metal so that it kept its color no matter the wear and tear. Think it had something to do with actually making diffraction gratings embedded within the metal that reflected specific wavelengths. The examples given were making gold metal blue

You could probably use it, but I'm not sure how effective it would be. You'd be attempting to fuse helium into lithium (next in the element table) and I have no idea how much more "oomph" you would need in order to reach that point.