
I just bought this book - the description I read sounded pretty interesting. Haven't read the rest of the article, but I'm looking forward to seeing if this lives up to my expectations. Looks fun!

I don't think I would go mini for myself. My next one would be the new retina-model; my wife might prefer the mini.

Wonder if Microsoft is actually doing some handwaving for the OEMs, all while it's actually ramping up to do an Apple - become the end-all, be-all for Windows machines? I'm not sure what kind of markup they receive from OEMs per license; could be they've been eyeing the profit margins that Apple gets and they're

Actually, a nuke is converting a teeny-tiny fraction of hydrogen into helium.

My feelings, too. I'm really hoping they have the 48fps version in one of the nearby theaters here.

He is someone I would gladly get to know. Not only frighteningly intelligent, but amazingly articulate and passionate. Fantastic combination.

I would have let this one go normally, but ... Wow. Calling the Mars Curiosity mission "something shiny" just utterly misses the point. We're an exploring species by our very nature. It's what we do. When we explore, we discover new things - things we didn't know existed before. Things that end up being remarkably

I heard that and woke my wife up laughing :)

Great article, dead-on rebuttal to the Franks of the world.

Thanks :)


Step 1: Target rock

Just about any "toy" that is worth anything of value for teaching a child about something as fascinating and dangerous as chemistry is going to be dangerous at some level. Oddly enough, whole generations of children managed to survive owning chemistry sets and a lot of them went on to become scientists and engineers.

Uhmmm ... really, REALLY hot temperatures in the core. Plus, you know, GINORMOUS nickel-iron lump in the middle? Hello??? Core is most likely in motion, floating in the magma surrounding it; punching a hole through it is probably a Really Bad Idea(tm) for many, many reasons.

Would have been better if they'd stacked the books so that the titles could have been read. Seeing just the paper edges doesn't do a whole lot.

Nice! Can't wait for this to come out here now :)

Actually really looking forward to this coming out on blu-ray around here. Looks like a fun "put your brain in neutral and pop some popcorn" movie :)

Sounds like someone doesn't use the right litter, nor cleans the litter boxes often enough.

I had one of those chemistry sets. It had all sorts of nasty things in it; that was half the fun! Remarkably enough, myself and other kids from my generation managed to survive intact, without too much physical or emotional trauma.

Not a bad guess - they both have nasty skull-like profiles. If you should ever decide to get into comics, Thanos is one of the best bad guys out there. He's a certifiable whack-job of an immortal, who has the extremely poor taste and judgement to fall in love with Death. He goes out of his way to show his love by