
Not to quibble (ok, maybe a little :) ) but you can set this mouse up for both left & right clicks, in addition to the touch-scrolling.

Yeah. Not much different from any corporation with an HR department, especially ones who have bought into the whole "Core Values"-schtick.

Seriously? There's enough difference between the two versions that anyone will notice?

Ignore the weapon part - look for the independence, spirit and strength of character messages. Merida appears to be willing to make mistakes and to own up to the consequences. Not a bad role model for girls or boys of any age.

The ARM-based Windows RT tablets will only be able to run Metro apps and select Microsoft desktop applications.

Same here. I like the chain mail effect for Superman's outfit, too.

No, I haven't yet. They're on my "List of Things To Do This Summer." :) They sound like they'll be a fun read.

Too true! Talk about coming out of the gate swinging!

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. That's awful. :(

Either that or the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.

Ow! You'll find a lot of people with a bone to pick with you!

Buddha Wise. :)

"Debt From The Skiiieeeesssss!!!!!"

Girl Genius is just flat-out amazing. I stumbled across it a few weeks ago and read every single cartoon from the beginning up through to the current one in one marathon weekend session. Wonderful stuff!

"Up!" really tore at me with the opening sequences. It's a very rare movie that makes me bawl.

"Many Botha's tried bringing you this image..."

While I would probably be one of the first to slap some tape over the sensor, I'd probably also be one of the first to receive the error message on the screen, courtesy of Comcast, insisting that the sensor be uncovered "in order to provide you with the best viewing experience possible!" :(

Dammit! I did miss the Amercia part. *sigh*

I sure as heck hope it's not Alpaca Lips. You wouldn't want to see the Dark Side of those puppies.

Good news: Any shot you fire in the general direction of the super-hyper-ultra-massive black hole will hit. Bad news: No effect.