I owned a brown 1979 GS and I absolutely loved the perfect flat loading surface of the boot. The aircooled flat 4 also sounded a bit like an old Porsche sometimes. Oh and that wonderful hydraulic Citroën suspension. If it hadn’t rusted so much everywhere it would have been the perfect car.
I mean, I used to see them on the autobahn all the time. We had a Vega, sometimes they would even pass us.
If I stole your car and then sold it, I’d be looking at a few years behind bars. As long as companies and corporations can commit felonies and only have to pay fines, they’ll just keep doing the same things.
Towing companies and the racket that they legally run is one of those things about the US that folks elsewhere won’t believe when you tell them about it.
Only a $2000 penalty for stealing and selling a car that doesn’t belong to you? Yeah I’m sure they’ve really learned their lesson.
Hydropneumatics a weak point? They were actually excellent suspensions.
Only when you bought a BX as a banger/shitbox in the late 90s or early 2000s, and left cracked or weeping hydraulic lines unfixed because you bought the car for like €500, it would become a weak point.
Today, hydropneumatic ‘analog’ Citroens are…
The BX’s nose reportedly had to be lengthened to accommodate the pivot to a longitudinal layout, from the passenger car’s transverse setup.
My hero is my buddy who bought, er, I mean adopted from Cambodia, an infant as a single guy. That kid grew up in an NA Miata, driven year-round in *Maine*. Was his only car until he got married when the kid was a teenager. He got the factory passenger airbag bypass switch for it for the sprog seat. Kid is in college…
Took my wife to the hospital to have our son in our ‘71 Beetle. Picked her up in a ‘72 Buick Roadmonster Estate Wagon. With the wagon, instead of taking everything we needed for the kid in the Beetle, we could take everything we had for the kid in the Buick, including the Beetle.
Kinda sad to read this. I’ve heard and read all about the Chinese BRI... I also visited Montenegro a few years ago as a family member was stationed in Podgorica with the State Dept. What an absolutely beautiful country with amazing driving roads. My wife and I drove from Zagreb, Croatia all the way down the Adriatic…
This looks like every other RV out there that clogs our roads. About average sized. It’s below 3.5 tonnes, so you don’t need a special trucker driving license to drive one.
Cool! My 48k (which I was gifted in the late 80s by an older cousin who used to write reviews for one of the Speccy mags, hence the shit ton of games) died in the 90s. I bought the 128 on a whim in Cambridge around 2004. I’ll deffo get the games out next time I’m at my folks (not had me jabs yet) and see what happens.…