
4th Gear: I have officially submitted preliminary paperwork to sue BMW, VW, and Mercedes because they have taken too long to transition to a car running on pedal power alone. EVs are still going to kill the planet and they haven’t done enough to make a 4000 pound pedal car that can go 80 down the highway and bring my

1st Gear: I don’t think having to use government subsidies to get people to buy EVs is a good plan long term. They need to be made well enough and useful enough to have people buy them regardless. Giving a big discount to the automakers gives them no incentive to figure out how to make them better and cheaper. This is

I still don’t know how this isn’t universally interpreted as an infringement on the 4th amendment. It’s exactly what it was written for, to protect against this kind of thing.

I’ll second this. As basic as electric transportation gets, not at all attractive and an interior only a psychotic could love. Yet it’s average owner thinks they are driving a Bugatti with Toyota quality and Jaguar looks.

Tesla Model 3. It has some weird halo effect despite being ugly and having a bargain basement interior... And that's before getting into the quality issues. It drives fine, it's fast, and electric... But since when does that get it a free pass when it also costs $50k?

Batteries by LG.

Me: The dealer did the right thing! That was an irresponsible and dangerous use of a customer’s care and a breach of trust!

I’m guessing the difference in cost between what they’ll spend for the ‘22 and how much they can make off the ‘21 is less than they would have spent in nation-wide advertising which is essentially what this is now.

The point is that someone other than the owner did this without permission from said owner. This was a dick move from the tech (and stupid that they didn’t know about the PDR).

Stop it. GM is not purposefully tanking the Bolt in some grand conspiracy to discredit EVs. And the idea that they would even think that’s possible is ridiculous.

“ticking time bomb that can potentially burn down my house, with my family’s dead bodies in it.”

Stop saying that. GM didn’t kill anything. Anyone else could have made it but it was an idea that just didn’t work at the time. No one was going to buy an 80k car that wasn’t good for anything but rides around town. 

So trump people are the people not taking the VAX? Black males under 40 years old are 9% vaxed, blacks as a whole are 24% vaxed, next is Latinos under 40 men are 11% vaxed and as a whole 26%. I don’t think that is trumps base! If you do some research you will see even if 100% of the population is vaxxed this is not

The “gritting teeth” grill is polarizing, and I can’t say I find it attractive compared to the 2022 GR86 or Veloster N’s face. The back looks very nice though and the oval tail lamps are a unique touch.

The grille is still a mess, not as sinful as the M cars, but still not very well done. Bit more geometry would help. Having top half of it more visible makes it worse in my eyes.

I’m not a Trump fan and wanted out of Afghanistan since forever (war), but this Saigon 2.0 clusterfuck is all on Biden.

How is this Trumps fault?  Biden’s advisors told him not to do it in such a rushed manor, but he didn’t listen.  Trump isn’t the president anymore.  You’re going to have to find another scapegoat.  

Ford screwing up a product launch? Nah, don’t believe you.