Sadly, not one mention of LFTRs.
Sadly, not one mention of LFTRs.
Even more reason to builder newer, safer reactors.
It’s not just car batteries. It’s also the unfathomable amount of batteries that would be necessary to make renewable energy viable for the leftists’ dream of being able to power the whole grid with it.
We’d be way better off putting all this RE money into LFTR development and deployment.
So instead of “killing the planet” by mining for old energy materials, we’ll kill the planet by mining for new energy materials.
Makes perfect sense.
Toyota FJ Cruiser
The constituents that pay the VA taxes that would subsidize the plant?
This article, and the article it was adapted from are both being disingenuous with their headlines.
Civil asset forfeiture needs to be ended. Violation of the 4th Amendment.
High-speed rail? They’re called airplanes.
Next up: Trucks are way too big these days and why you’re ridiculous for owning one of them.
Tell us you don’t know about tax burdens without telling us you don’t know about tax burdens.
What an odd way to endorse Biden’s next opponent.
The left keeps hanging onto “Jan 6th” just hoping that it’ll get them somewhere in November. Smart money says continual harping on it will get them more out of public office. By all means, stick with it and keep on calling half the country racist too, ‘cause that’s been working out so well for you guys.
Tesla Model LS
But it’s also clear that figuring out modern energy and pollution policies is far from simple or straightforward.
“There are no solutions. There are only tradeoffs.”
- Thomas Sowell
Erik, even with the wealth transfer being used to push EVs, they don’t get that cheap.
Good luck finding any decent car for 20k, to say nothing of EVs.
Given the current state of things, I’d avoid a 20k EV like it were the plague, because if one were actually made that cheap, it’d have to be as sketchy as Hell.