
I hate DeSantis too, but yea, I think American citizens should have priority in buying land and property in their own country over foreign entities. But all foreign entities. Not just China.

The last count of trucks was 58,700 trucks, not including all of the supporters gathering to cheer them on. 

I believe that you could hate that many people. Leftists are hateful people.

Holy crap. You are the absolute worst! An entire country is peacefully travelling to their capital to protest the government destroying their livelihood if they don’t agree to participate in a medical experiment. Most of the supporters of the movement have participated, but are supporting their countrymen’s right to

Very very few.

Someone please just make a desirable $20,000 EV already.”

Quagmire approves. Giggity.

No hammock? If you have a banana, you need a banana hammock!

My understanding is that any limited edition Ferrari basically gets sold to a club of very wealthy people with multiple Ferraris who get first dibs.

50 million barrels of oil is literally a drop in the bucket and won’t do jack shit.

“No sir, I am absolutely definitely not an organ thief. How many miles would you like the car to have?”

I would at least pick up the phone on this one.  I mean, it doesn’t cost much to ask, “How many miles and are you an organ thief?” 

The last guy who went to see it ended up impaled on the hand brake.

I would think that it would have to be a different shot every year based on a educated guess as to what strain of Covid will be expected at that time.  Just the same as with the flu shot.

VW went for Trump by almost 40 points. The type of Democrat who can win there doesn’t look like the type that wins California. Manchin is at the far right of his party, but he’s not a Republican either. 

48 of 50 Democratic Senators have expressed their favor of the bill,”

So now we’ve got this to worry about...

Coronavirus Has Been Spreading Widely in U.S. Deer

Money is what is driving the green movement. Look at how many people have gotten rich off it. Entire industries have been created. From the education system, to the politicians, to the green companies building palaces from scared people’s money.

Younger people will probably actively and viscerally disagree with this, but part of why older generations struggle with caring about climate change is scientists are always doomsaying and it’s exhausting after a while. You just kind of tune it out.