
I’m sure it will do a barrel roll. Especially on this test.

1st: Was he wrong though? Just because it hasn’t tanked yet doesn’t mean Tesla’s stock price isn’t insane. Maybe Tesla is worth more than all the other major automakers combined, but that seems like a stretch. The only way I can get there is if the entire world converts to EVs and none of the other automakers respond.

At a certain point do you ask if government money could be better spent than making EVs all-but free?

He, while actively working at CNN, helped his brother with crisis management on this very issue?

The lack of understanding of the economy is really one of the qualities that shines through in most of Erik’s articles.

I didn’t totally grasp how the economy worked in terms of dealers and used cars”

3rd: Forgotten in all the “ROBITS R COMIN FUR YER JERB” discussion is the fact that all of these things are tools. It’s like arguing that since you have a really cool wrench, you no longer need somebody to turn it. Look at, say, meteorology: Your weather forecast is still written by a human, just a human with some

My mom always told me about Reagan firing the air traffic controllers as a foundational act of destruction against the fabric of American society.

That prototype still looks great imho. Just clean up the too-busy grill. 

As a kid that grew up watching Dukes of Hazzard, and having rode around in a 69 Charger for a while as a kid this was the first sedan concept car I was excited about. The eventual production Charger sedan just never hit the same way for me. 

Someone buying a Toyota doesn’t know what engine is in their car, but I’d venture that someone buying a Hemi Challenger probably does.


Wow!  Did a Dodge molest you as a child?

From an economic standpoint, much like ticket scalpers, the dealers are just finding the true value. The MSRP is an arbitrary price which, when an item has high demand, leaves money on the table. Yes, people might not like it, but unlike milk and bread, new cars and tickets to concerts and sporting events are not

Despite what many people may say or think, none of this is ok.”

I’m mildly intrigued by this 2012-13 Impala action. That’s a heck of a sleeper.

Never go Full Kidney!

Hate them or love them, but ride share services have really changed the game. 

I became comfortable bartering with my friends for rides, insisting on buying them sandwiches or bottles of wine in exchange for an inconvenient trip to pick me up.