I’m mildly intrigued by this 2012-13 Impala action. That’s a heck of a sleeper.
I’m mildly intrigued by this 2012-13 Impala action. That’s a heck of a sleeper.
Never go Full Kidney!
“Neutral: How Are You?”
Show of hands here who would feel safe driving around a car that size, made in China, with a cost of $4500 new? Here’s another fun tidbit from the wiki:
And I’m saying that the US government has historically taken upwards of 30 years to formally step in. Who knows what the landscape of vehicles will look like 30 years from now?
Battery swapping may be a better use case for commercial applications such as long haul trucking.
3rd: When do we open the Giggityfactory?
The issue I see with battery swaps is modularity across brands and vehicle types. To use an extreme example, Nobody wants an F-150 Battery to fit in a Miata, for so many reasons. The solution to that problem is one that I don’t think anybody wants, as it would inevitably reduce consumer choices.
1st gear:
I’m more impressed to learn that a Crosstrek is capable of getting to 60MPH
Max out your 401k contributions, then worry about your other expenses (but at least pay the minimum on your loans and mortgage, and make extra payments when you can). You’ll thank me in 30 years.
Congrats on your self appointed role as self righteous eco warrior!
Slide 1: Yes
Even mid-size trucks are overpriced. Look at the asking prices for used Tacomas. I’ve have a few friends buy new ones because they’re the same price as a few year used one.
The Jeep Wrangler 392 at$ 70k+. Its a pure cash grab considering the same engine is available in a $32k Ram 2500.
That’s easy, trucks (F-150, Silverado, Ram). They don’t have expensive engineering or manufacturing, people just pay for the size because they equate size with cost. That’s why the profit margins are so high.
If this was 10 years ago and a site talking about energy policy... but it isn’t.
It’s easy for people like you who hated our last president to dunk on Lordstown motors and make the low hanging joke, but you probably don’t want to talk about all of the terrible failures of companies that the Obama administration backed with shitloads of taxpayer dollars.
Donor for an 818?
Driving one of David’s Jeeps I would be more worried about Hantavirus (No Vaccine) or Tetanus (Every 10 years).