
Somewhere along the way the term ‘luxury’ got confused with ‘expensive’.

I'm tickled that the magazine it’s featured in has a segment for trailer buying for a car listed on bring a trailer.

I hope Peter Gabriel buys it 

No, I’m with you.

ICE-T”: just too funny.

I keep downloading it, it doesn’t seem to launch.  What am I doing wrong?

Sadly, society seems to agree with you that one man’s rights are not as important as industrial progress.

I think they should have an upgrade to their Land Cruiser:

Yup. These companies willingly cancelled thier orders. Sorry, blame leadership of those companies, not the vendors who did what they were asked to do. For fuck’s sake, what were they supposed to do? Idle production lines because maybe the US car companies might actually want the orders they told you to cancel? FOH.

There’s nothing the US CAN do for the semiconductor shortage. There’s simply not capacity. They can throw all the billions they want at companies in the US to ‘expand capacity’ but that will take years. AMD/IBM/GloFo sold off most of their US fabs, Intel is busy pumping out their own stuff and don’t really take

Until Big Wind comes in and raises the price of wind. Wait, what?

Geezers will obviously have higher totals. Divide by total years to normalize to annualized capital cost per year would be a more useful comparison.
Perhaps also subtracting trade/sale return of the old car, but this seems more of a bar discussion, so it needn’t be an accurate measure of lifetime depreciation costs.

55 MPH was the most fuel efficient speed because that was the speed limit manufacturers were designing to, not because 55 MPH is the most efficient speed.

We should be comfortably into the mid 30s for most vehicles these days.

When has any government in the US had a solid plan for anything?

Which makes money for the city, but it doesn’t do anything to help prevent an accident that day. What good is it to send a guy a ticket for speeding in a school zone after he’s already ran over some kid moments after the cameras caught him?

I once had a woman tailgating me so close that I couldn’t see the grill of her

Because this site(and Gawker in general) has THE best comment section, if you ignore that the system itself is broken as fuck.. The readership here is a wealth of knowledge. But there has been a definite decline in the quality of content from Jalopnik, how people can even deny that at this point is beyond me. 

Sorry, Raph, but your take on eliminating traffic stops is as bad today as it was almost a year ago. I pass by a monument everyday going to and from work because some jackass didn’t think that they needed to do 15mph in a school zone and ran over a little girl and killed her. Over ten years later, I don’t think that

You really feel like getting shit on today, huh? Not one rational take in the whole gearbox. Maybe you should get the water in your building tested for lead. Just sayin’.