
..at a public cost of $12 billion

Sorry but associating a cost of $12b with this is extremely disingenuous and makes you question the entire basis of claim. This would require 100% of the people contracting the virus to be admitted to the hospital for at least an overnight stay. We know from data collected that only a small fraction of people require

I would love to see the breakdown on that $46,000 cost per case. Seems like more sketchy agenda pushing numbers. Considering that the only burden that 90% of the people I know that have gotten it have put on the healthcare system was getting the test. Only 2 or 3 of the other 10% actually had to be admitted tot he

This is not how capitalism works.

A used, out of warranty, 50k mile, crashed “Maserati”... lol.

He’s not involved.

Roughly 3 people die per day in NYC from MVA’s. @50 are seriously injured. The city has a population of around 8.5 million. The bike death stats are so low that when a death does occur, bike advocates with no statistical sense immediately break out the posterboard and the markers to protest the (implied) manslaughter.

Gots to get our political pandering plugged erroneously into this don’t ya know? I mean it’s litteraly plastered across the header for the entire site.

You don’t have a set amount of Hate inside you, should be enough for both


Pedestrian injuries did fall 80 percent — from 16 to 3 — during the police crackdown”

using cops to solve specific traffic problems doesn’t work”


The US needs to get rid of that requirement - I’m sorry to sound heartless but the assumption needs to be that someone is wearing their seatbelt. If you choose not to wear your seatbelt, well... you know.

Just a technical point to start – the NYPD has its own Traffic division, which comprises a disproportionately high number of people of color (particularly Southasian – something of an immigrant stronghold) compared to the rest of the NYPD. Where the plainclothes cops have plenty of tatted-up Blue Lives Matter white

As a frequent NYC bicyclist, I couldn’t give a damn whose responsibility this issue is. I know that it’s 100% up to ME to take special precautions to save my own ass. I must go well beyond simply “following the rules”, because anyone who assumes that even half of NYC’s drivers will ever follow the rules is high on

I mean, we can test your thesis, I guess. Have the cops declare that they won’t enforce any traffic laws for a couple of weeks and let’s see how that turns out for bike riders. 

As somebody who is a biker in New York City, a big fan of your articles, and by all measures the target demographic of this piece...I don’t know if this is it. The mayor’s failure to expend any energy in the direction of bike safety has been infuriating, but I don’t find it particularly useful to pretend that the

The sooner you realize that NYC is not “your” city is probably for the best. 

But still not clown enough:

This is less clownshoe, more clown.