
The dream of fusion is that it produces more power than it takes to sustain the reaction, thus as long as there’s fuel it’ll be a self-sustaining reaction.

I’ve never understood why Fusion is supposed to be so much better than fission.


…eight inches of extra length to get the V12 under its clamshell.

Yeah, very strange stance to take for a site that publishes at least one article a week bitching about how expensive cars have become recently.

Incredibly appropriate positioning of ellipsis 

I’d rather not see a frunk issue completely brick the car. A sort of “limp mode” is much better, so that the car can remain drivable- even if only at speeds suitable for parking lots. No sense in forcing the technician at the shop to push the car into his bay by hand on account of a frunk sensor failure.

Suddenly limiting a vehicle’s speed to 0 due to a sensor malfunction or a mechanical failure is a terrible idea. 

Brad: “Screw the rich”

Have you ever met an old Porsche owner?

I’m no dealer apologist, but if people wanted them, they’d buy them.

But they don’t make them work for Uber or Lyft.

Drivers are contractors because Uber/Lyft is a BROKER. That’s the important part that everyone keeps leaving out. 

All Uber and Lyft would have to do is switch to a SaaS model. Charge a flat monthly fee to use the platform, and let the drivers set their own fares, do their own thing, etc.

Anywhere is hot when compared to the north pole Santa! 

California doesn’t need his help to demonize themselves. 

Unmolested, manual, performance-optioned C4's won’t be this cheap for much longer. NP in my opinion.

Airports, even the inactive parts, need to be nominally secure. This would not be ideal for anyone involved.

Thanks for the rabbit hole

As much as I hate the 4-door lumpmobile Charger, even I have to admit it does a damn good job of impersonating a Stormtrooper with incredibly minor changes.