
What kind of prestige do you think you’re getting from a beige station wagon old enough to drive itself?

It’s a person complaining on a Corvette forum. They’re not broadcasting it to the news and it doesn’t look like they’re suing GM.

Its more than a few months late- theoretically they went into contract for a price and one side is unilaterally changing the terms. That would piss anyone off. So what - 2020 generally sucks, doesn’t mean people can’t be pissed about shitty behaviors.

On the other hand, if you saved up for fifteen years in order to buy a new Corvette with cash, it’s totally understandable to be upset that you are finally ready and you can’t buy one through no fault of your own.

For a while, you could even buy a CDL in Illinois. The Secretary of State (who would eventually become Governor) went to prison after a truck driver killed six children in a horrific accident. The driver admitted to paying a bribe to get his license.

This so much. They’re aids, not replacements for paying attention.

Yup. As your neighbour up north, I would say if someone chooses an inherently stupid choice like driving without a seatbelt, the consequences of that decision are on them.

I’m on board with not having those seatbelt interlocks. If someone is too stupid to buckle up, they’re not worth preserving. Let that situation work itself out.

here’s some interesting stuff for you....

HAHA! The first comment from the linked article circa 2013 is pure gold!

Also why Darwinism is no longer a thing in the US.  We’re the only country that thinks protecting grossly negligent drivers/passengers is worthy cause.

The problem is, it’s not a simple answer, as none of these problems and solutions exist in a vacuum.

That is the thing about statistics, you can argue whatever you want. He said the percentage of deaths due to rollover hasn’t changed, so the test must not be helpful. This is misleading at best. It ignores the fact we went from mostly sedans to mostly rollover prone SUVs in the decades between the numbers he cited.

It seems like a pretty low number, in my opinion. There’s always going to be some baseline number that we can’t get below, even with full self driving everything. Even trains crash.  

Yeah, I’d say “more training” has a zero chance. More tech, though...people like tech solutions for everything, and it allows lawmakers to push the issue down the road--they don’t have to fund it. 

Yep.  Technology can’t fix everything.  I would think stagnant number of deaths over the last 10 years despite adding more and more safety equipment to cars should be pretty telling, but then again, here we are.

How may crashes are there per 100 million miles? Without context of death rate in accidents the numbers don’t mean much for car safety.

What are “things your mother asked for”, Trebek.

found a rival clan

This whole name change is CP.