
So the lithium market is depressed? How ironic.

Technically he is right, we aren’t yet in a depression. Unemployment is very high, and GDP did nosedive off a cliff, but most commonly definitions require a recession to last a few years before labeling it a depression. So far we are only 2 quarters into this so it is still defined as a recession. We might still get

Hickory dickory dock. This mark 4 can’t make it around the block. 

Does anyone else vote and not see the totals? I had to click see previous responses to see them and it opened up in a new page.

“The reason behind the name game was to remove an arcane drug reference that was also racially insensitive.”

Anything against Casinos (No Dice) ?

What was racist about NPOCP? I’ll tell you:

How is ‘Nice Price or Crack Pipe’ racially insensitive? Are you all projecting drug use onto a particular race?

Stupd name change.

I used to watch anything that had a car/vehicle as a co-star (Knight Rider, Dukes of Hazzard, The A Team, Magnum P.I., Airwolf, etc.) Recently I’ve seen some retro channel playing Knight Rider and I’ve watched it a couple times. My god it’s just so cheesy and stupid. Most of the time I can’t even get through the whole

I’m all in for a modern reboot with David Hasselhoff and the original car. Here are possible (mis)adventures:

Nothing will ever come close to the sheer awesomeness of this:

Get that logic out of here! The guy that fired some striking air traffic controllers is definitely worse than the guys that were corrupt, or directly steered the US towards civil war, or were instrumental to the growth of the current surveillance state...

I don’t get why everyone hates on Reagan for enforcing the FSLMRS that was signed by Carter about 3 years before Reagan fired everyone. The damage was done when FSLMRS was passed, not when it was enforced.

Holy shit, this. I am no fanboy either but I’m sure I look like it because I feel half my comments these days are calling out Raph and Erik on their crusade against Tesla because... reasons?  This may be the worst take yet. 

1st Gear: I’m no apologist for Tesla, trust me. But Tesla has a solid track record of, like, actually manufacturing shit. Maybe not on schedule, and perhaps not with the greatest quality, but building units and pushing them out the door on a daily basis. Nikola? They just broke ground on a manufacturing facility that

I can make that happen.

Huracan relief.

The Zoe started plodding along three years [after the Frankfurt motor show unveiling in 2009]. A couple of reboots and redesigns slowly raised its profile with consumers.