
Mazda never brought the Skyactiv-D over here because they never figured out how to make it meet emissions requirements. They got really close, but never quite made it. In fact, I read an article where an interviewed engineer wondered out loud how VW managed to do it. Funny thing about that...

While I disagree with the mods, I will admit I'm not hating that color on that car. 

I dunno I kind of like it. 

No, the first one was fine. I very much want to see a Cinnabon muffler.
I picture the old Christmas Carol things that go over both hands, but made of Cinnabon. You stay warm, smell delicious, and have snack.

Now I’m hungry.

And need to check my A1C...

I will eat my own face if NY can install charging stations for 15k a pop. There is no fucking way. It costs at least that much to pay off the inspector once the job is done incorrectly.

First they came for the sedans, but I thought sedans were kind of stupid already, so I said nothing.

Mercedes plant in Aguascalientes...

The Camaro is arguably the best performing out of the 3 current Muscle cars, but it’s the slowest seller. Kinda like when the F-bodies dominated the Mustang in performance a couple of decades ago but were being outsold 2-1 combined by the Mustang.

The headlining picture looks to be a Trailblazer, not a Blazer.

They should name them all variants of Cimarron. The big one: Cimarron XL. The sporty one: Cimarron Sport. The small sedan: Cimarron XS. The one to sell to idiots in Quebec: C’est Moron. The one to sell to idiots in south america. Sí Moron.

If Stellantis isn’t right for you, ask your doctor about Celestiq.

Well, it’s not like they could trot out a products called the DeVille, Eldorado, Seville, Catera, Allanté, Cimarron, or Fleetwood,

Barrier to entry on pricing is easier to overcome with luxury division than mainstream.


It was also cool prior to the current Apple Porsche livery.

With 475 lb/ft of torque, it only makes sense to dramatically weaken the structure.

Same reason why people in old cars are blinded by LED lights: difference in wear and tear of the glass. I presume you are more likely to drive without passanger, and when you roll a window down it’s the driver side? This will over time cause driver side to have more micro scratches compared to passanger side.

It’s a shame Sergio and his sweater are no longer around, we could be talking about them.

No, we don’t need to talk about Musk’s pay.

Let the market decide what Musk is worth. Etc, etc, and other libertarian shit Ayn Rand would say