
I want people like you to stop telling lies about covid and pubic safety that’s why I’m here.

Get over being pedantic about the term by which we refer to institutionalized segregation.

Recommending that people who are extra susceptible to a disease take necessary precautions is throwing them to the wind?

Politicians are the ones saying “we can end it” via vaccinations and I’m calling bullshit, since it’s still spreading regardless of vax status. Not gene splicing to figure that one out. It will likely just fade away on it’s own as the 1918 flu did. (At least I hope so.)

Why do you think I said medical and economic apartheid?

Please quote back where I “wrote them off.

Federally, for the most part, no. (You’re murder example may have exception to that, depending on the details.)
State and local is where any public safety roles would apply. I cannot readily think of any such roles that would be federally Constitutional.
Murder is a willful act that deprives someone else of their right

Apartheid was based on government enacted/endorsed discrimination.

1 of 500 is 0.2%. I pity the nation that would give up their freedoms over that.

I used it and stand by it. If you’re fine with segregating people, barring them from making a living, and otherwise treating them differently, based on their health decisions, it’s a valid use.

Wouldn’t be so sure since vaccinated people can still spread it.

The definition of “pandemic” is not in play here.

Vaccinating your way out of a pandemic means ending the pandemic. If you force everyone to vaccinate and 18 months from now some animal-based strain comes along and starts wiping people out, what was the point?

We literally cannot. We’ve never eradicated a virus that has reservoirs in animal populations. The virus will continue to be carried among animals and, in doing so, it can mutate into other variants. Some of those variants may not be mitigated by current vaccines.

There’s always the possibility that COVID-19 was in the states a bit earlier than previously thought.

The moral of the story is that humans cannot vaccinate themselves out of the pandemic.

The short answer is “Yes”, Bradley.

It’s only the right thing if you believe stopping CO2 is going to stop the climate from changing. Humans create a small percentage of the CO2 generated each year. Even if it were the cause of global warming, (it isn’t) removing 3-5% of a weak greenhouse gas that makes up only a little more than 0.04% of the atmosphere

As well they should have bitched about him. He ran on a promise to end 0bamacare and, when he was the deciding vote on doing just that, he stabbed his constituents in the back.

48 out of 50. So, what you meant to say was the bill is supported by less than half of the Senate.