
If you’ve watched Planet of the Humans, you might think twice about ‘renewables.’ Nuclear power is the way to go. Sadly, the same media that has scared the hell out of people over global warming has done the same with nuclear.

Such a convincing argument. I’m sure you swayed his opinion on the matter. May you find some peace.

Ad hominem: The sad retort of someone without a solid argument.

The pandemic has killed about 0.06% of the world population. You’re going to need way more pandemics.

And he’s able to get away with it thanks to his fans’ love of attacking anyone who speaks up.

Not only are they still here but some data has shown that their populations are as large as at any time since their populations have been tracked.

If it bleeds, it leads. The media doesn’t care about scientific research that says, “Hey, man. Everything’s fine. Relax and have a drink.”
It needs to be doom, gloom, and chaos or people won’t get amped up over it.

You might try asking the other side about bias confirmation before you claim that the other side does not exist.

But it does sound a bit like asking the right kind of people to get the answer you want.

If you’ve not watched The Great Global Warming Swindle, do so.

You get the star for “yard sculpture” alone. Sadly, I can only give the one.
Not that KrappyKinja® will show you that you got it.

The answer to a dumb government program that put drivers in debt is to just buy them off and keep the dumb program.

Neat enough of a car back in the day, but $10k is too much for a ‘neat’ car that isn’t anything real special.

Ending fossil fuel usage will not end climate change.
Not only will it not end climate change, it likely wouldn’t even make a dent in it.

Climate change is 100% true. As long as there has been a climate, it has been changing and it will continue to until there is no longer a climate. The question

The correct answer: None

Odd how these weather patterns only seem to effect one particular airline at a time.

Put your mind at ease when you think how all that tax money is being put to good use saving the planet from climate change.

I’ll take accidentally correct for $1200, Mayim.