
Weak sauce argument. There is limited grant money for research and scientists compete for it. Tie your research subject matter into the impact made upon it by climate and your odds of getting a grant increase. Scientists have bills to pay just like everyone else.

Toyota is experiencing the consequences of government picking winners and losers in the market.  Equal protection under the law is an interesting concept that we should return to.

No prob. It’s certainly frustrating to deal with so many people that are ignorant as to the proper role of government.

Climate change is fact, not theory.
AGW is conspiracy, backed by government that believes what they paid people to be told.

Now playing

All based on bunk “science.” Once political money started to back the theory of AGW, all reason went out the window in search of money, influence, and power.

The non-solution solution
Ban it!
Get off my lawn, wannabe tyrant.

I think your satire meter wasn’t working when you read my post and/or you’re unfamiliar with what my avatar is.

What does greed alone get a person?

Equal protection under the law means nothing to those who’ve fallen into the traps of class warfare as, instead of working to advance themselves, they seek have government tear down the fortunes of successful people and reap the spoils of that war for themselves.
Why work hard when the government can just steal other

A need for governments to regulate that thing which was created to circumvent government influence and control?

The rich pay the lion’s share of the total tax burden.
The class warfare game played by politicians would have most people believe otherwise.

My point is the middle class isn’t paying the lion’s share.

The top two quintiles pay nearly 80% of the total income tax burden.
The top three quintiles pay over 100% of the total income tax burden because the bottom two quintiles get more in benefits than they pay in income taxes.

Find real problems to tackle and stop pushing command and control economics when free markets have brought more people out of poverty than any government ever could.

Thank you for picking up Jalop’s slack.

I tend to agree, but surely wouldn’t throw it out of my driveway.

I thought the C7 did a pretty good job of modernizing the model’s look while giving a bit of a nod to the C3, which is still my favorite in the style category.

They’ve been the price/performance leader for at least two generations, arguably more. Recent car price craziness aside, C7s with the Z51 pack could be found in the high 30s without a ton of miles on them.

Good catch.

Effective TSA is a contradiction in term. It’s a government operation.