
The irony of watching the “Healthcare is a human right” crowd now saying that unvaccinated people should be denied care is rich.

Are you unaware that people vaccinated for COVID-19 are still capable of catching and spreading COVID-19?

Went ahead and fixed that headline for ya.

Amtrak constantly runs at a loss and would be out of business if they could not rely on Uncle Sam to keep them afloat.

Why can’t I give more than one star dammit!?!?
Avoid the new law and mow your yard in record time.
Everyone wins.

Never underestimate a CA progressive.

The rolling blackouts aren’t bad enough yet to please Newsom, so he’s ramping up his efforts to get people to emigrate out of the state.

However, it has said it expects 50% of global car sales to be electric vehicles by 2030.

From a company perspective, people are worth what they bring to the company.
Another way of saying this is that they are worth what their job is worth.

Can you name a publicly traded company that isn’t run by a small number of individuals?

Not all heroes wear capes.

People aren’t quitting just to stop working, they’re quitting to take better jobs.

Correct. Most of a valid concerns of unions are now a matter of law. Their only main contentions now are keeping their coffers full and they can easily do that by saying it’s in the best interests of their members.


I’m getting real tired of y’all using ‘racist’ so loosely, but we can’t always get what we want, can we?

Came here to post that.

One can simultaneously dislike an organization while also appreciating it when such organization gets something right.

All the world’s indeed a stage
And we are merely players
Performers and portrayers
Each another’s audience
Outside the gilded cage.
