Heerrrooo Yui

I'm guessing it has something to do with that smash announcement coming soon. Super Smash Collection coming soon to the Wii U/NX

I'm really hoping food wars gets a second season. It's my favourite anime/manga of the year next to my love story. Tokyo ghoul started off strong but I just can't stand kaneki. He reminds me of shinji 2.0

suicune/raikou all day. rain dance+thunder+surf put a lot of trainers in their place.

this game is ass ugly. not even a pretty ass either or one that is appealing to look at. It resembles a cottage cheese, calloused, hemmroidic butt.

I am starting to like my Xbox one more and more every day. I remember when it was announced sony had bought gakkai, I was hoping for some sort of streaming Bc for the ps4 (which became the horrible and money grabbing psnow service) and Microsoft has given it to us for nothing extra. I'm hoping they add more and more

The game boy says hello

I want a mod that calls my desired suit of armor to me ala Ironman mark 42. I love power armor in this game.

Shadow Mewtwo?

maybe if Sony wasnt trying to nickle and dime us and let us buy digital copies of the games we own for a small nominal fee instead of rent, maybe PS Now would not be so bad. People give shit to Nintendo’s online infastructure (rightly deserved) but the PSN cant even change your damm ID name, Allow you to access your

No Kojima, No Buy.

Are you like, new or something? Nintendo commercials go hand in hand with weird and wtf is going on here.

I’m sure it happens a lot. Nintendo will delay a game in a heartbeat before letting it ship in a state they aren’t comfortable with. The thing is if they rebooted destiny’s story so close to release, why the fuck did they not just delay the game. Delay it and let it ship in a better state than vanilla destiny was in.

This is by far, one of the most stupid fucking posts on kotaku ive ever read. And here I thought the constant “Destiny is gr8” posts was the worst thing to endure reading on the site. This terrible idea in Call of Duty wont really affect me, I had flirted with the idea of getting back into CoD then I realized the game

Charging for emotes is pretty weak when most other mmos give them to you. It’s the Nickle and Diming is why I choose not to fuck with Destiny anymore. Single handedly the most disappointing game of this generation for me.

“Call of Duty Black Ops III is the most anticipated game of the year”

Am I alone, but I liked the Nintendo 64 South Park Game. I remember getting it for christmas and playing it a lot with my brother. I also remember the eviroments being huge in that game and pissing on snowballs.

Complain about FFXV actually releasing info on a game thats been in dev hell for what 10 years, but hype and promote the shit out of every little feature in Destiny....Seems legit.

This is a bunch of utter bullshit. makes me not even want to buy the taken king.

This and fallout 4 was my two lock myself in my house with food and liquor for the winter games. I kinda knew even though they kept saying it was coming this year I knew there was a chance it would slip.

So can i get 1.5 and 2.5 for ps4?