Heerrrooo Yui

You’re doing the lords work

That was a long article about some thot that streams the video gaems.

Bayonetta is a sexual game? I thought it was an action game.

only the sjws are going to get their metaphorical panties in the twist. Im going to take a shot in the dark and say most people interested in this type of game have one feeling or another towards traps.

I aspire to reach such levels of pettiness some day. Thats hilarious.

This is great. I hope they dont stop with the SP games.

of course you dont stay silent. you join in and talk shit back. Stop being a victim or go back to your safe space.

well, theyre not wrong.

Good. Let it serve as a lesson to people if someone fucks with you and you feel like you have been violated, come out with it asap instead of waiting for years and years to pass on some bullshit. I dont believe these women and I do not feel sorry for them.

Nintendo just announced a 2d Metroid game. WHAT THE FUCK PLANET AM I ON?

Finally! Now maybe this will stop all the Tracer Straight porn-oh wait

Watching Denuvo crumble has been fun. That inital sales window doesnt even matter anymore if a game ships with Denuvo, Pirates know it will get cracked sooner usually. GG Denuvo.

This type of political correctness is fucking cancer. It was a joke. It wasnt racist, he doesnt look down on minorities and the left cannibalizing each other over a stupid thing like a joke is near sighted with all the other actually important shit thats going on.

Still isn’t worth the five bucks I payed to demo it. RIP Mass Effect. Another victim of sjw bullshit.

Still isn’t worth the five bucks I payed to demo it. RIP Mass Effect. Another victim of sjw bullshit.

I can only hope ME:A is a lesson to those who think that their own personal politics and agendas do not eclipse actually making a good game with a good story.

Time to crack the mods DRM too i guess lol. Although this is not a game i would pirate, Nier deserves every penny. Mass Effect Andromeda on the other hand....

While Most kotaku readers are fragile, sensitive things, I salute you and won’t be purchasing this game. Most gamers who like these types of games are not that touchy when it comes to most things except when it comes to taking content, no matter how big or small, out of a game because it will offend people who will

Lmao! Oh what could have been if BioWare would have focused on making a good game instead of turd they released.

I seriously can’t take you seriously. Go play mass effect: much diversity or something