Heerrrooo Yui

Better MGSV than another destiny post.

Goddamm kotaku. It’s a shame you back this game up with so many positive articles despite the fact we know they took a lot of content out to sell to us later and you seem to have no problem with it.

Butterface Tifa

I wanna hear about this game.

I got into the series late also, I played 3 first, then the remastered MGS 1 on gamecube, could not get into 2 whatsoever, although i remember the backlash of raiden and whatnot but I didnt have that disconnect with him because I didnt play that game and ended up looking up what happens. Then played 4 and I loved the

I discovered Mass Effect before playing gears and when i did play gears, i felt it played like a clunky and more boring mass effect. Might give the series another try soon.

xbox wireless standards are pretty annoying, why not just use blutooth and let me connect my contoller wirelessly between my computer and or xbox. Nope, buy a new dongle here and buy a dongle there.

Am I alone here when it comes to indie games, most i just cant stand their aesthetics and most of them get boring really really quickly? I wouldnt mind a few free rentals from playstation now.

The game Kotaku gets the most money to make articles about.

R* should be grateful people are touching the multiplayer component of gtav. when Just Cause releases and the create a multiplayer component of that, GTAV servers will be ghost towns.

you forgot Kotaku:Destiny is still good go spend more money on it. Sponsored by Activision

holy crap this looks awesome.

nahh fuck that. I want my giant dragon kicking some ass not climbing some dilapidated structure.

i dont care who the preorder bonus is, the WWE games have been on a slipperly slope of quality the last few years taking more and more features out for features no one wants or even bother with after a few times. And im still sore about the banning of Seth Rollins Curb Stomp finisher.

I for one enjoy when Hasbro releases 7000 repaints the “diehard” fans eat up and defend. Personally g2 colours and that victorion makes my eyes bleed. Third party is always the way to go.

Not really. Horns was amazing and kinda hit a little too close for home with me on some parts. Besides he's rich as fuck he doesn't need to do anything else.

I want my five minutes back. That was horrible.

RIP Playstation now

You get what you pay for. Isn't that what sells champions? Make them impressive when they come out everyone buys them they eventually get nerfed and the process starts all over again.

As someone who has suffered from watching GT, it's great to see how much they are going out of their way to banish it to another dimension from continuity.