
2 towel boys and a cup?

How many of the let go former ESPN on air personalities were sitting at home gleefully taking in this shitshow? How many then woke up this morning to see Sergio trending wildly! All that time spent trying to be good at your job was wasted! Being horrible was the ticket to keeping your job and people loving you.

The judge really bitch slapped the NFL. In the aftermath, Roger Goodell announced a 6 game suspension for the judge.

Wrong! Donald donates his salary. Bet you feel stupid now.

Kennett Square is the mushroom capitol of the world. This just proves shrooms make you achieve beyond your wildest dreams.

Looks like a lot of people are betting on the luck of the Irish! Unfortunately, they will feel the wrath of the Irish curse.

You don’t understand. It was all good. They locked the bathroom door to the shower.

Save this for next year and replace Miller with Lebron.

This was not the type of pounding I was expecting when it said his pants were around his ankles.

The problem to me is that he is still presented as “the big dog!”. I think he is a great worker but is laden with some bad booking.

Agreed. What I meant by having money was that it would be well managed by the WWE finance team!

If Vince put his ego aside (I know!) and let Heyman book his shows, he would have one of the hottest brands in the world. Heyman made ECW by elevating good talents and pushing them further than anyone thought possible. If you gave Heyman the best talent in the world and money, it would be scary what he could do. I

If I had to guess, the NFL was waiting for the right high profile case to pull this out and tout how great their strides have been in finding out the truth in criminal cases . The reality is the NFL determines how much punishment to dole out based on if Goodell likes the player/team and how much money said player

In a real position to be a top flight team in the NBA. Unlike Toronto, Clippers, Utah, Washington, etc who all have good teams but no shot in hell of actually getting close to winning a championship.

You can’t blame the cops. One of them took a flier on Lucky during the last round of his fantasy football draft. Being Lucky’s owner, he confirmed his identity at the scene.

With Kyrie wanting out of Cleveland, the east and a trip to the finals is a year or two within eyesight of the Sixers. #TTP The Celtics and a midget are not going there. Add on slow Al Horford and not seeing a path for them. Embiid will crush the Celtics.

You know the old saying. If there is no grass, you have to play in the mud.

Semi hot take incoming. It’s bullshit tennis players get quiet. Fans should be able to yell and scream at will!

One time I was at the local bowling alley and the food and beer really got the old shitter moving. I go in and take a massive dump. As I flush, the shitter is clogged up to the wazoo. There was no plunger. So, I did what any rational person would and high tailed it out of the bathroom. A few minutes later, water was

You seem crabby about that STD.