
"someone can't be wrong when he feels something"

Shutter Eyeland

Hey journalists, remember, in Soviet Russia, the government reports on U

"You may wish to hold onto a pole of some kind."

Getting people to notice the "more than solid Johnson" on the field shows Pfizer's product placement budget is being well spent.

After her husband went in the bathroom, she grabbed the note card from her nightstand.

Extra points, have one, don't have one, whatever. I just really feel the whole Essay Anne Vanderbilt story is played out at this point.

"I think I know the game you're talking about, but baby on THIS playground it's called 'Pooch, Pooch, Pouch.'"

I'll take Channing, Carol with the second.

Right up until just before they fall over.

Larry Bird was upset when a white guy would check him

Based on André Schürrle's shirt, the German Chubby Checker fan club needs to fire their translator.

Meanwhile, the Inside Baseball Hall of Fame inducted Claiming a COTY Title When It Wasn't Awarded and Knocking Over An End Table Lamp With A Wadded Ball Of Masking Tape.

Hope they like swimming too, what with the climate changing and all.

Yep, in this economic climate simply walking around a polar bear pen ain't gonna get you a good zoo job like it used to.

Once again, we've got maps that break down

I wonder what the goalie's thinking.


He really should have considered the side effects of this kind of treatment. Before, his life went New Orleans, Knoxville, Indianapolis. Now it's just Omaha, Omaha, Omaha.

The study found that the average median resale ticket price across the NBA was $96.57.

Locating this among the graphical frenzy that is ESPN reminds me of my college days. I dropped Comparative Literature classes and ended up a Computer Science major because the CSCI was much easier to find.