
It’s like deja vu all over again. The same thing happened at Toys R Us back in the nineties when Dennis Rodman and Michael Jordan were on their way out of the store with some children’s toys, and were physically accosted by some beefy security guards.

this joke would have been funnier if it had been told 10 years ago

Way to spoil the surprise for your nephew, James. Now he knows exactly what kind of institutional racism is in store for him.

I thought Drew wrote this until I saw where you use italics instead of all caps to make a point

Shkreli told the [Wall Street] Journal in an interview, saying he was arrested because of a social experiment and teasing people over the Internet, and called the arrest unjust.

I can’t get enough of this. You have a team that was tops in the league by a long, long stretch—the best DB’s, the best mids, the most productive striker, the best damn *player* and they have collectively fallen off a cliff that has no bottom. I love it.

Ivanovic has clearly been the victim of a Freaky Friday style body switch with a turnstile.

Keep in mind hijacking GFaqs polls is nothing new. The L-Block from Tetris once won the Character Battle contest .

The tears are so salty. I vote for Undertale not because I think it’s the greatest game of all time, but because I don’t think Final Fantasy 7 and Zelda:OOT are the greatest games either.

Well, hey, as long as you’re willing to kill people over that. Nothing says “socially well-adjusted” better than a loaded gun smoking over a pile of dead corpses, amirite...

Yeah your guns will do well against a Reaper drone. Do you honestly believe that if there was some sort of armed civil conflict that your cap guns would be able to defend you from the power of our military? I wish people like you would finally get your day in the Sun and see just how defenseless you would be if the

Oh for fuck’s sake if all you buy are brand new cars then they already do through regulation, do you get this fired up about thick a pillars and airbags? Are they an infringement on your freedom as well? The bill doesn’t apply to old cars. Come the future, if you’re not satisfied with what’s offered on the market, do

Sikh and Islam are completely different religions which aren’t remotely related to each other. It’s like racists aren’t even trying to educate themselves anymore.

If they say Microtransactions, I’m just completely out.

Consider how many years it’s taken Square Enix to plan and prepare to fuck this up.


He stole that quote like it was in the seafood section of Publix.

This piece was so villainous. I’ll be sure to check in tomorrow for Drew’s heroic counterpoint.

Well, a few Ben Carson books are on sale.

Well, a few Ben Carson books are on sale.

He’s a hack that recycles old ideas, shocks with violence and continues to objectify women and promote shit stereotypes of people of colour. His hubris and delusions of grandeur are nauseating. Sit the fuck down and STFU already, QT.