
When this pyramid scheme finally implodes, it’s gonna make that stuff with 38 Studios look like nothing. It’s not just the shady crowdfunding/DLC stuff, this outfit is setting up a bunch of little studios all over the place to collect tax incentives. You’re gonna end up with multiple states, multiple countries, all

Not really, the mainstay of the ultra conservative Trump voter block is the age 55+ Baby boomers who have no idea what twitch and gaming even is.


The US government is currently rounding up brown people and sending them to concentration camps because of the folks TB helped empower.

is this in response to his gamergate incident?

Fuck nazis, and their enablers.

D&D has no “wargaming roots”. Hell, 4e was the only edition that remotely required Miniatures.

That has nothing to do with the use of miniatures in D&D, which is what this article is about...

People have quoted the old rulebooks, right down the page numbers. Maybe you skipped over it.

What are you and they smoking when you refer to D&D “requiring” miniatures.

Uh, the very first page of the 3e handbook has a section called “3 Dimensions”, which says that miniatures and a battlegrid are the best way to visualize the game, and then advises you to purchase them from your local game store. It ends with this sentence- “The game assumes the use of miniatures and a battle grid,

The first editions of D&D explicitly said, right on the cover, that these were rules for wargaming with miniature figures. There was never any acknowledgement (at least in the rules) until 5e that the game could be played ‘in the theatre of the mind’. Miniatures were always assumed, and the rules/combat was designed

Pretty sure most of the indie devs are pleased with this. Also, Wizards isn’t claiming it as their own. I’ve repeatedly heard them acknowledge this as coming from indie RPGs.

D&D’s rules always assumed you were using miniatures/maps. The old rulebooks specifically called it a wargame for use with “miniature figures”. And until 5e, there was never any explicit acknowledgement in the rules that playing without miniatures/maps was a valid thing. If you were doing so in previous versions, you

“Peer reviewed”? Really? That’s the standard? OK bro. Here are D&D’s designers explaining that its growth/renaissance is being driven by women (D&D’s playerbase is now almost 50% women, compared to 20% back in the 3.5 days, and maybe 5% back in the 1980s), oftentimes cosplayers. And that moving the game away from

The future? Nah. More like the past. The future is that RPGs (including D&D) are moving further and further away from the wargaming roots of D&D. Miniature sales are pretty much garbage. Fewer and fewer people every year want that sort of play. Hell, Mearls was musing about doing away with initiative in a talk last

It retroactively degrades motivations that have been slowly built up for...

Did you miss the conversation she had with the other diamonds? She realized that their colonization/destruction of Earth was evil, and tried to stop it. She was raised by them, wanted what they wanted, but got here and felt empathy and love for the life that the other diamonds were basically treating like ants in the

Maybe it’s just written from a different perspective than yours? This is a queer show, from queer women. The entire show is centered around Rose and Pearl’s relationship. It’s a show about Rose’s love for Earth and Humanity and what makes us different from the gems. It is not a show about domination or a Game of

An ‘absurd’ theory that half the show’s fans came to independently years ago because of massive amounts of foreshadowing going all the way back to the first season?