Between this and the sudden unexpected release of that $10 side game, they seem sorta desperate...
Between this and the sudden unexpected release of that $10 side game, they seem sorta desperate...
Kotaku reached out to Twitch...
Would love Event Horizon as a video game, sure. But these folks decided to make it a Souls-like, and were so wedded to duplicating that combat system that they ended up with silly looking stuff like dudes walking around a space station with battleaxes and bucklers.
Black people want to see themselves in games—not as a stereotype that other people think they are, but as they actually are. As people.
It’s a world/setting for a tabletop RPG (for example, Dungeons and Dragons). You use this book plus whatever tabletop RPG rules you prefer to adventure in this particular world.
They are, as FromSoftware director Hidetaka Miyazaki said, about letting “players experience a sense of accomplishment through overcoming difficulties.”
It was a bad P2W game. Even if they can fix the P2W aspect, they can’t make it a fun game.
It was a quick and shitty ripoff of someone else’s idea anyway. Total dumb luck that it was the one to take off.
Haven’t gamers agreed that a unibody d-pad is atrocious?
Also, 90% of the GOG mentions I heard last year were about their social media dude being nazi and making various shitty bigoted jokes. That can’t have helped.
That sort of end of session vote is a very common mechanic in many other indie RPGs.
You can’t murder a 100 million people, steal their land, enslave, rape, torture, and forcibly convert the survivors to your religion and language, and then complain when they use the language “wrong”. I mean, you can, but it makes you a monster.
Still staggered at how many people didn’t get the Switch’s obvious appeal when it was announced.
There are no Chernobog worshipers outside of fiction. You can’t appropriate a dead god/religion. Also, Chernobog was viewed as the source of evil by his parent culture.
Yep. The story doesn’t mention this, but this is all being pushed by a bunch of dudes calling themselves “DNDgate”, and it’s all related to this business with that group of streamers being turned down for a Roll20 sponsorship because they were all middle-aged white dudes, and Roll20 wanted to sponsor diverse shows.…
Some more context Gita- This is all being coordinated by a garbage heap of reactionaries calling themselves “DNDgate”. It was all triggered by Roll20 turning down sponsorship of a potential D&D show, telling the group that they didn’t want to sponsor another group of “5 white men”, that they wanted diverse shows.…
Need to make it super clear to Telltale, and anyone potentially funding these new seasons, that we won’t be buying them.
Yeah. Calling it “irredeemably bad” is just totally out there. I haven’t seen anyone say anything even close to that. It’s weird.
The police are racist, and supposed to be racist. That’s the problem with police. It’s not a matter of a few of them being corrupt and acting badly. The problem with police is what they’re supposed to be doing.
Ask anyone who isn’t a white dude.