

I’m pretty convinced that, when men—older men especially—characterize rape this way, it’s because they or someone they know and love did something similar growing up, and they can’t believe that what they did was an abhorrent and dehumanizing crime.

Because I made the original comment I’ve had to.

I’m a little surprised to be feeling so much “Nope” over this.

I wanted to give you a star, but your comment has 69 stars, and I didn’t want to ruin that.

Ricky Velezis probably the biggest reason I dropped this show.

Yeah this is “immature/inconsiderate sex having” not a “fuck fest”

I was there too. Something about the phrase “Fuck Fest” screams “orgy!” to me, for some reason.

If Trump becomes president, do you think the Secret Service’s job will be to protect the rest of us from him?

Why thank you kind internet commenter. Maybe I could make it at the Olympics for great internet comments. I doubt I would medal but just being there would be an honor and I’m just doing what I love.

P.S. What is your favorite super hero, Julian’s parents?

One could even say it was bashert

People who reject the feminist label to be a ‘humanist’, and people who believe in All Lives Matter over Black Lives Matter are examples of people who stand in the way of social progress. They’re obstacles to a better, equal society. They help to validate the opinion that disadvantaged groups aren’t actually

It's like they can't land on the decent, non-shitty opinion on anything. Not even by accident. How is this possible?

“Moms now loooove to play the martyr role when it comes to being a mom”

Uh, think you missed the entire point of this article. “Moms” aren’t a problem.

Do you think Trump actually loves himself, though? If he was a child, I’d think he was acting out because he feels that there’s something missing and can’t intellectually figure out what it is.

She’s a liberal. Always has been.

Whatever woman became the first presidential nominee from a major US party - whether that was going to be Clinton or somebody else - was never going to be the pristine and pure beacon of hope and change, etc. that any of us may want to see, simply because it takes a championship fighter to break down barriers.

I believe it was sincere.