
Funny how some self-professed progressives are going to “protest” the corrupt DNC by allowing their fellow women/minority citizens to experience the biggest setback to their constitutional rights in decades, if not centuries.

Ugh I don't know. I have wanted them to shut up all evening.

What is wrong with these people? Petulant children!

It’s, like, layered misogyny. Raucously negating a female who is speaking in support of a female.

This is my forever wish. I’ll settle for this instead:

I love it too! Also she herself looks fantastic. Best car show model ever!

“I don’t follow college sports.”

That was a fake security guy. Obv they had permission to be up there. wow. you’re why people think reality tv is real.

If this ticket doesn’t lose, it flies in the face of all of the politics I’ve learned in the past 40 odd years. I could sniff out losing tickets even when I was a kid and Trump/Pence is a stinkereedoo.

“People who know me well know I’m a pretty basic guy. I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order.”

How the hell do these keep you from washing your towels less often? I’m truly baffled by this logic.

And don’t us regular folk just use a bathroom towel that had bleach somehow spilled on it as a beach towel?

There it is! Go with your hate. Roll in it.

That’s a good solid Mom joke.

Stuff like this is why I roll my eyes when people say that Hillary test-groups everything. She’s kind of awkward and seems like she’d be kind of funny some of the time, so when she’s funny, she’s very funny. The rest of the time she’s my mother.

I’m actually surprised by how much snark she is getting for this. I thought it was super cute. She reminded me of my mom, who happens to be a) a terrible/adorable teller of jokes and b) a total badass you would do well not to cross.

I think ut’s to her credit that she is speaking up. Too many people are lining up behind him or renaming silent because they don’t want to rock the boat. He is dangerous to our country. He is a man people should stand up against.

I’m sorry, what? Why in the ever loving hell would she be subject to a no contact order?!

Supreme Court justices are not bound by the Code of Conduct for Federal Judges.

If a guy calls a girl a slut guys have no problem believing him. But if 40 women accuse a guy of being a sexual predator people still don’t believe them.