
I don’t know. My babies were both much easier and quieter inside my belly.

“Do you brought to tears...”

For my initial recovery they felt strange. Like my skin was stretched and heavy. But I don’t know if that was the surgery (which you’re having anyway) or the weight of larger breasts (which you won’t have to get used to because you already have breasts - I had virtually nothing but little excess flaps of flesh). But

I have implants. There were some complications but I’m happy with my choice. I’m sorry that we live in a culture where women are constantly messaged that our value as people is reflected in our appearance, but they were tiny and deflated and I feel better about my body now that I have them. I can make thoughtful

My baby’s best toy is whatever gave me 15 minutes to take a shower.

Whelp, “different strokes” and all that.

For some reason, CVS brand Desitin (classic, not creamy) was magic on my kids’ tushies. It was thickest and nothing could penetrate it.

Interesting. If I were to do it all over again I wouldn’t nurse at all. And I nursed my second for 2.5 years. Fuck that shit.

A good rule of thumb: if it makes parents’ lives easier, it is good. If it “enriches” baby’s development, it is probably BS.

I’m so glad it was our turn!

Seriously. I can’t believe anyone who calls herself a feminist would even consider this for a beat.

The worst was watching the Mama’s Family sitcom and waiting for the sketch to be over because I was too young to understand the distinction.

No. It is an abbreviation of “mistress.” Like Mr. comes from Master.

I don’t have the energy to hunt down the reference to confirm I am 100% accurate, but I believe the NYT has said that they use Mrs. for Hillary because that is her preference.

Mayo on challah? Not OK.

Bc they aren’t really pro-life or pro-birth. They are pro-let-those-sluts-take-some-responsibility. In their minds any woman who has an unwanted pregnancy is obviously a heartless tramp.

Well, and the fact that she had just had consensual sex. Too many people will think that somehow makes it all her fault.

I wish it started when I was adult. I was initiated into it with the high school French teacher who was also the advisor to my Synogogue youth group. I was in my twenties before I realized that he was a creep who managed to barely cross the line in a way that left me wondering if I was making it up.

I’m so confused. The “modern mid-evening bail”? Is everyone really just accepting that people, or women specifically, not staying until morning is specifically a contemporary act? I find “kids these days” grumbling is generally trite and lazy, but c’mon. Folks born in 1995 didn’t invent casual sex. They didn’t invent