
He was reality MTV famous for 9 seconds in the aughts. His wife (also reality MTV famous) had a lot of plastic surgery. I never watched any of their shows because I was in my 30s and distracted by dirty diapers. But that’s how reality MTV famous he was.

The HB2 supporters are so full of shit to claim that they are worried about women’s health. Fuck them.

Maybe it didn’t make it to the UK, but I’m also a child of the 80s and the Ryan White story was so ubiquitous and important and the tragic narrative that helped me and my peers learn that you couldn’t get HIV from casual contact.

Well I’m sure the criticism will be all in good fun and no one will use the words: cunt, bitch, slut or whore.

I have the same problem...

So so scared.

And a strange function of reactionary politics is that it’s often via backlash, actually, that the depth of what people protest can finally be seen.

I ordered from one of the fake restaurants - in fact I think the real restaurant might have been the one mentioned in this article because I live around the corner.

Just don’t send a pre-emptive email to a bunch of ivy league kids telling them that because you would be oppressing their freedom to be provocative and subversive.

You can eat healthy and get exercise and be overweight. You can eat crap and sit on your ass and be slender. We should all strive to be healthy as defined by our lifestyle and not based on what the scale says. But even with that insight, I can’t do it. I make my diet and exercise decisions based on whether my clothes

If only the anti-BLM rhetoric was that “benign.” But they are actually accused of being cop-killers by Fox anchors and GOP presidential candidates.

That's annoying. I hope someone bedsides me sees this comment.

Apparently in Texas you do not have to identify yourself to the police unless you are under arrest. So if they arrested her for not identifying herself, they got the law backwards.

My local NYFD company came to my son’s preschool class and I couldn’t figure out why the room suddenly started feeling so warm and then I realized my soft-spot for NYFD was very sexualized.

I love your perspective. I hope you’re right. I’m going bring it up with her - if that’s what she meant, great. If it isn’t, it is a great way to let her know that her outlook is what empowers her, not her looks.

Last night my 10 year old daughter said to me, “Don’t be mad... but sometimes I look in the mirror and I think about how lucky I am that I am so pretty.” Ugh. My heart broke. I try so hard to communicate implicitly and explicitly that her value as a person isn’t in her appearance. But how am I supposed to work against


You inspired me to pause and try to remember mine. I have no idea what happened. Definitely no photos because it was pre-digital and I didn’t have my own camera.

I just turned 39. I started to feel like an adult recently. I don’t if it has to with my age or my oldest child’s age (she turned 10). There’s something about parenting a child who has reached and age that you can remember clearly that really drives home your grown-upness.