Is there anyone who actually defends it anymore? Or is it just inertia that sustains it at this point?
Is there anyone who actually defends it anymore? Or is it just inertia that sustains it at this point?
He also just gave a speech that was essentially just \_(ツ)_/¯ about school segregation in NYC even though there are communities pleading for better integration with concrete proposals for implementing it.
So in other words, I should try again?
I’m oldish. I have a daughter I have to raise in this world. My team is playing shitty in the World Series. I hate Republican presidential candidates. I’m sure there’s a version of me that would find this humorous. But right now all I can think to say is that Men Are So Fucking Obnoxious Put Away Your Fucking Balls.
I was also referring to the US.
I'm guilty!! I was so focused on the drink name that the bar name went right past me. Time for more self-reflection...
Laughing at Hitler is an important part of holding him responsible for the war? First of all, that makes no sense. Second of all, I’d rather Germany, and other countries that have a legacy of subjugating and eliminating members of a specific subgroup, show evidence that they think about what elements of their culture…
Ah yes. The “I’m not racist, I’m just being honest,” defense. People are so good at deluding themselves.
But isn’t what they did so blatantly racist? It is like the Texas teacher who posted a pro-segregation rant after the white cop tackled the black girl at the pool party and then qualified it at the end with “I’m not racist.” I’m not disagreeing with your analysis, but it seems like the “letter of the law on not being…
Can you even get lickable stamps anymore?
I can’t quite get my head around the contradictory desire among so many white people to be racist but not be called racist.
Escalating to physical force is never a logical course of action to dealing with an insolent teenager.
The same FBI whose director is insisting that surreptitious recordings of police misconduct is causing a spike in crime? Super.
If I had a creative bone in my body I could write an epic opera devoted to my passionate love for Mirena.
The “when does life begin?” piece of the abortion debate is a bit of a red herring. As it stands right now, by the time many women figure out they are pregnant and can afford the procedure and can get to an abortion clinic and get through the mandatory waiting periods, etc etc, then they’ve hit the grey zone. If it…
Her plan was to go into labor in American airspace, as opposed to in America? That seems very farfetched. Is there evidence she snuck in an IV with pitocin? What are the chances someone would just go into labor in a specific 12 hour window at 36 weeks?
I love that you had faith that I would get the Gladys Kravitz reference.
Who really knows what most rapists are thinking? Maybe they don’t really care if there’s a difference between an unconscious person and a freshly dead corpse but they just they figure it is easier to get away with raping an unconscious person because then you aren’t left with a corpse to dispose of.
That’s entertainment!