
My husband was the hospital when he was coming and when hospital security said, “Press alert... Jimmy Fallon is coming in with an injured hand” he thought they were speaking in code.

My 10 year old daughter has never been terribly affectionate, and that’s OK. It is just her way and she’s a full-on tween now so it has been even more notable recently. I joke that I love when she gets sick because that’s when I get cuddles.

A) This line from the Richmond Times Dispatch article is really cause for concern:

My only quibble with the monologue is that he wasn’t more explicit about how Fox is portraying this as an attack on Christianity vs. racism.

Sort of a tangent, but I always thought it would be interesting to reshoot famous movies with the same scripts (with corrected pronouns) and direction but swap the male and female roles.

I can curl my tongue. Nya nya.

But there’s no #humble.

My husband had just moved in with me a couple of months earlier and was in his boxers painting some closet doors. He remarked at how much good storage there was. I suggested we have a big party in our honor where we exchanged rings and people would give us lots of presents we could fill the closets with. He agreed

Anyone can identify as the other gender than they were assigned at birth. But not any black person can identify as white. And the reason why a blonde haired, blue eyed woman can identify as black and everyone believes is because of centuries of black slaves being raped by their owners and because of centuries of

... and the fact that they’ve worked together for 22 years ...

You were cooler than me.

But wasn’t that because she had served as a lawyer on the case before she was appointed? There’s a really high bar for justices to recuse themselves.

The only way it would be acceptable to lobby people who are gay or infertile to adopt is if you lobby every single person of child rearing age to adopt. Because otherwise you are singling out specific people to bear the responsibility of rescuing unwanted children based solely on unrelated categories, e.g. fecundity

They will have to pry my land line out of my cold dead hands.

Zine? Chloe Sevigny? Everything about this article made me feel like it was 1999. All my wrinkles were gone, I felt 20 lbs lighter, and I looked over at my son and all I saw was an ovum. (I also felt really hung over and was worried I about how I was going to pay my rent).

NYC public schools FTW!

School’s wrapped up for the year...

I always thought they were eating pasta in that scene but they are using ketchup. What are they eating? Meatloaf?

I would like to explore #imnotracist. Does she really think she’s not racist? How does she define racist? Does she think there’s something wrong with being racist?

I suspect that 99% of women considering abortions at 7 months are doing so for medical reasons and are probably devastated at having to give up their pregnancies.