Here’s another case in the US where a woman was charged with a felony for inducing her own abortion:
Here’s another case in the US where a woman was charged with a felony for inducing her own abortion:
Avatar Exception!!!
Reuben is great. I wanted to name my son Reuben (my husband rejected it, which was the right move given my 7 year old’s continued struggle with the R sound). Way to go grandma!
Naming your kid Wednesday earns an eye roll. But naming yourself Wednesday ... ugh. That’s an eye roll and a sticking your finger in your throat fake gagging motion.
Sorry if I’m hogging the comment section, but really the bigger scandal is that the Times ran an essay by her in the Sunday Opinion section to promote the book whose lead paragraph declares herself an anthropologist, describes her as “a writer and social researcher in New York” but still does not have an asterisk.
Her “methods” were embellishing and conflating a bunch of anecdotes.
You fail to mention the most inflammatory detail from the Post’s article: her real name is Wendy! Not Wednesday. What kind of ridiculous person opts for Wednesday?
I disagree. I think it is so dumb that the cutoff is under the age of 45.
Blue cotton candy is my favorite. But just blue can be problematic bc sometimes it blueberry and I do not like fake blueberry.
I am a grumpy grizzled grown-ass thirty-eight year old woman and I love cotton candy flavored anything. Followed closely by blue raspberry.
At Passover I spend a week eating Plugra on matzah with a little bit of salt. It is divine.
What makes it extra ludicrous is that the college is part of an exchange with more than 10 co-ed schools so men can attend for a semester or a year. So technically men are allowed in some capacity anyway and hardly any choose to so there is zero likelihood that a man would go to the trouble of lying to spend 4 years…
Because there is a sense that a woman’s college would be a more flexible and safe environment for a person whose gender-identity might not completely conform to traditional expectations. Partly because women also have to navigate complicated expectations surrounding gender and partly because of stereotypes that women…
Most women’s colleges that have adopted a formal policy on transgender applicants will not allow a trans man to apply to the college, but will allow students who transition after they’ve enrolled to stay enrolled.
Most of them are among the most elite in the country.
You missed one:
Perhaps they can bring in a 6 year old designer to bring in some fresh ideas.
Nutella on lightly salted rice cakes is heavenly.
But the IUDs from the 70s/80s are no longer on the market. I’m not sure that’s the right analogy. I mean, FDA and pharma get a lot right. I just have heard enough about this particular story that I’m not comfortable with a non-scientist (the author of this article) presenting it as a net-gain.