I bet the Venn diagram of people who bought shit and people people who donated to the potato salad kickstarter has a lot of overlap.
I bet the Venn diagram of people who bought shit and people people who donated to the potato salad kickstarter has a lot of overlap.
This story would make sense if Chick-Fil-A's legal department consisted of bots that were programmed to crawl the Internet looking for instances of "Eat More ..." and then automatically file legal complaints. But the idea that a human being who had enough critical thought to make his or her way through college and law…
Yeah. I get very upset when I think about her kids. Especially the little one who is getting schlepped around the country as she doctor shops for wackos without MDs who can't take insurance (because they aren't real doctors) and she blows all her savings.
The childhood friend who was always kind of a hippy but as an adult is obsessed with anti-GMO organic everything, refuses to vaccinate her kids, and has projected her won disordered relationship with food into the conviction that her youngest's dubious health and behavioral problems are due to a metabolic disorder…
I'm almost 40 and I finally just completed the series at my 9 year old's insistence. I agree with your first comment completely and I had other problems with it as well (a fair amount of gender stereotyping and reliance on story telling cliches). But I still felt like she wove a good tale and I have recommended it to…
I'm almost 40 and I finally just completed the series at my 9 year old's insistence. I agree with your first comment completely and I had other problems with it as well (a fair amount of gender stereotyping and reliance on story telling cliches). But I still felt like she wove a good tale and I have recommended it to…
I just imagined they raised their kids in L.A. with like minded folks and it wasn't such a big deal.
I love the chasm between our (Americans) limited understand of royalty and how it works in Britain. There is literally no analogue in our history and our society and the idea of a spectacularly different social protocol for a tiny sliver of people is completely alien to us. And our lack of knowledge seems to be…
I've been at a taping too and I know they give that instruction. But I also think that seeing the president is so exciting that you lose your shit and start screaming your head off anyway. I once saw Bush at the beginning of his presidency (pre-9/11 and all the suckage that followed) and I almost peed myself even…
But what's the connection with Jay and Don? Because Jay definitely was involved.
I started binging as planned and I have no regrets. It is completely ridiculous in the best way possible.
Just to clarify further, it does exist, but only in dark alleys committed by knife wielding men of color.
I'm not, but I'm in close touch with my inner 16 year old, which seems close enough.
I was planning to start binge watching this tonight. Should I abandon my plan?
We are taking this seriously and apologize to anyone who was affected by the story.
I love TAL and I love Serial, but I wouldn't pitch it to someone as "If you love TAL you'll love Serial". It is more like if The New Yorker devoted an entire magazine to one article about a murder investigation/trial/aftermath with a very ambiguous resolution.
I don't use Twitter (either as a consumer or producer) and so I don't I really understand how much interaction happens among strangers through hashtags phrases. As someone on FB who only interacts with people inside my network, I think there is value to this movement because it isn't hijacking a conversation from POC,…
Oh God. Of course a Japanese computer pet would poop.
My 6 year old son is obsessed with this game. I don't really understand it because I practice a form of parenting known as benign neglect (or lazy, if you're feeling judgey) so I can't confess an intimate knowledge of a lot of the crap I agree to put on their "glowing screen" other than a quick litmus test of which…
Even Gawker had the decency to hide the photo inside the post.